Garden Master
AAUW has a free tax preperation service for those individuals that have a fairly simple tax return at the local Public Libraries, but can't afford a tax preparer. My wife and I volunteer 2 days per week at our local library. We have 5 retired CPAs that prepare the tax returns, my wife then performs the quality control for each return. My duties are to check in the tax payers, make sure that they have their photo IDs and SS cards, as well as all necessary tax paperwork for themselves as well as all claimants for them, Then assign their case to the CPAs. When the tax return is prepared and quality control is complete and sent to IRS electonically, I send the paperwork to be processed . We havea large room reserved at our local library for Fridays from 1-5 , and Saturdays from 10-2. The library unbenown to us untill yesterday , reserved our room to the "Historical Society" for this Saturday at 12. The higher ups agreed to the hour change. I turned away 11 tax payers due to the change in our hours of operation. Then about 11:40, a lady from the Hisrotical Society came in to tal to me, and while we were talking, others from the historical Spciety came in to move tables and chairs, and remove our equipment. I put a stop to that since they were disturbing the tail end of the tax payers preperation. They became quite rude, vociferous and demanded that we be completely out by 12 NOON on the dot. Since when does the historical society take preservation of the representatives of the Federal 'Government and their discharge of their duties when we were almost done with the tax returns. Since their actions and disturbances were disterbing the tax payers was then tacking longer to provide our services, I asked them to leave the room and to be patient for a few more minutes. They started to be even more beligerent at which point I told them that they are violating the tax payers civil rights and to leave the room untill everyone's tax returns were finished. No luck... So we had to shut down and ask the tax payers to return next Friday or Saturday to finish their tax returns. It seems like the historical society has a God Given right to push their weight around. Great Ha ???