Tech Trek


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
My wife started the "Tech Trek" program for 8th grade graduate girls ( first in Cal, then in Washington 2 years ago, and is going National sponcered by AAUW) that were recommended by their teachers as well as their school's principal for a week long fully paid for science camp for girls at Universities. The program starts today ( Sun. July 31) for Eastern Washington ( Western Washington was last week). Yesterday about 2:30 pm, my wife gets a telephone call from one of the parents of a girl that was accepted to participate in this fully paid program, saying that their daughter will not attend. My wife started to burn the phone lines to all over the State of Washington to locate an alternate on this short notice to attend. She told me that there are several drop outs every year in Cal. as well as other States, so nothing new to that. That is why she started the alternate list. The interensting thing is that so far the drop outs have been only by girls of Mexican / Latino / Native American decent. What gives ? :idunno :caf

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