We're seeing errors when peeps try to view threads when they are logged in. We're looking into it and hope to find a fix soon!
Thanks everyone for your patience as we worked to figure out this problem!
We had a handful of days with the site being pretty much unusable, but we wanted to be able to fix the bug in the database without causing any other issues (like loss of data).
We were getting to the point where the pros of eventually finding that solution are outweighed by the pros of just biting the bullet and restoring a backup and potentially losing some data.
Fortunately, we were able to fix the bug in the database without losing any data!
If y'all notice any more issues, errors, etc. please post them here on TEG, and if that's not an option, head over to BYC and post in this thread:
The Easy Garden
Receiving an error message when trying to access posts ... Swept maybe an inch of snow off the back steps and it is still too early for a second breakfast. Plant starts don't need water and are in some daylight. Seed company hasn’t replied as to why they only sent 1/4 of my order for new...www.backyardchickens.com
Thanks to all for your patience!