Garden Master
I'm late mentioning this but the Google doodle today is about the Scoville units. I could be wrong but I don't think that guy Scoville did much more than say this pepper is hot, this other one is very hot, this one is extremely HOT!!! ... then, he assigned numbers to those designations. For all I know, he may have started from zero ...
I learned some things about Google today. Yep. You probably already know that you can use it as a calculator. Did you know that you could type "1587 in Roman" into it and it would respond: MDLXXXVII ..?
Or, you can type "MDLXXXVII in Arabic numerals" and it will respond: 1587.
This could come in handy if you are into reading the credits of twentieth century fox movies.
We can all become proficient! Of course, there is no Roman numeral for zero. I figure, who needs nothing!
By the way, Google says if you have problems with their calculator: "Make sure your equation is something that can be computed. For example, if you search for 7*9/0, you won’t see the calculator pop up because dividing by zero doesn’t create a value." SEE?!!
Something else I learned is that I can track any shipment with Google. Just type in the shipping number from FedEx, UPS, or USPS! Google will know where my seed orders are! This can't be good!
By the way, I have also learned that there are idiots in the government who plan on banning Roman numerals and will be drafting Google into the plan by corrupting the conversion. All I can say is:
or, clock
I learned some things about Google today. Yep. You probably already know that you can use it as a calculator. Did you know that you could type "1587 in Roman" into it and it would respond: MDLXXXVII ..?
Or, you can type "MDLXXXVII in Arabic numerals" and it will respond: 1587.
This could come in handy if you are into reading the credits of twentieth century fox movies.
We can all become proficient! Of course, there is no Roman numeral for zero. I figure, who needs nothing!
By the way, Google says if you have problems with their calculator: "Make sure your equation is something that can be computed. For example, if you search for 7*9/0, you won’t see the calculator pop up because dividing by zero doesn’t create a value." SEE?!!
Something else I learned is that I can track any shipment with Google. Just type in the shipping number from FedEx, UPS, or USPS! Google will know where my seed orders are! This can't be good!
By the way, I have also learned that there are idiots in the government who plan on banning Roman numerals and will be drafting Google into the plan by corrupting the conversion. All I can say is:
or, clock