Tie half a not then wrap around index finger and tie knot with bow of other half. It is a lot longer way but it works. Honestly I just do it and don't think about it. I'm always looking for ways to be more efficient, just not in tieing shoes. Guess I'm odd in that way...
I was home sick one day and I watched some dumb talk show. In the show, a European gentleman told the story of walking down the street with his American friend only to have the friend stop and retie his shoes several times. Why? Because, it seems, we Americans tend to tie our shoes with a half hitch which gets looser and looser as we walk (especially with certain types of laces). The Europeans, he said, tie using a square knot that gets tighter as they walk.
I spent the rest of my teaching career showing students this easy way to tie shoes -- after training myself for over two months so it became a habit. It's hard to explain, but easy to show.
1. start with the half knot
2. put one lace over the other across the shoe
3. make two loops, the upper lace loop goes under and the lower lace loop goes over
4. pull tight as usual
What you will have is a square knot. It is removed in the same way as the half hitch tie which is to pull the ends so the knot comes undone. This knot will not come undone until you want it to. No need to double knot the laces anymore for children.
I took very few sick days. This was one day the I actually learned something.
I can remember the day I learn how to tie my shoes. Family was visiting my Aunt and her family, my shoes lace came untied and I asked my older cousin to tie it. He said do it yourself, when I said I can't, he said it easy I will teach you. And he did.