Tough, Hard Green Tip?


Deeply Rooted
Jan 16, 2012
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I was digging up some yarrow to move it, when I noticed a green tip where I had dug. It looked like a lily leaf, and I said, "Oh, no!" There were lilies in the area, but none seemed disturbed and I found no lily bulb in the area where I'd been digging? It was also near Oriental poppies I transplanted in April that have died back to nothing. I recall they had big tap roots, but I don't remember the tap roots being bright green? The hardness of the green tip is about like that of a pineapple leaf-- very hard. The lilies in the area all have very soft leaves. I'm trying to figure out what I could have done. I'd say there 1 1/2" of the green tip. It snaps apart and was green where it snapped, but not very juicy, if at all. Could this be a part of the Oriental poppy plant? It's leaves are soft, but I'm wondering about the tap roots? What else would have a pineapple like leaf, hardness wise?

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