Where can I buy an orange tree. I thought to get the information prior to getting my green house done so I could order it when I get the green house made. I would also take a lemon or lime also.
Many nursery catalogs offer mini citrus trees, I have no idea where you could get the regular ones. But orange and lemon trees get very big, I personally would rather have the minis! You can use a half-whiskey barrel as a 'planter' for them, and even keep them in your house! You wouldn't need any air freshener in the fall when they get their blossoms
Try your local nursury or farmers market. I got a Kumquat, fig, and satsuma at my nursury. I paid half the cost of ordering one from a cateloge. Like 25 for the citris and 10 for the fig. And you will get plant that are better suited for my area.