Deeply Rooted
I watched a program last night about how certain farm animals are being treated, and some of them are treated very badly. These animals are allowed to even move, their just crammed in to tight spaces for their whole life. We wouldn't allow our pets to live like this why should we do it to others. These factory companies just see these animals as egg and meat machines, not as individuals. Next month there will be a law that might be passed allowing these animals to not be confined in tight cages and allow some room to roam around. Its not right for this to go on, vote yes on this law. I know that many people are now buying only free range eggs or cage free products which is a good step etc.
I Hope you will see this link as an important topic it just takes a few mintues and can change how these animals lives are being treated forever.
I Hope you will see this link as an important topic it just takes a few mintues and can change how these animals lives are being treated forever.