Garden Ornament
So we have a hillside that leads to the lake in our front yard... My husband planted juniper there a few years ago, but its very slow growing so there are a lot of gaps in between the plants. Weeds are always a problem, so while the weather was still cool, I sowed California poppies in between them, hoping they'd grow quickly and help keep the weeds at bay.. Well, this isn't the case. They're still really small and weeds are taking over.. For some reason, guenia wasps LOVE the juniper (maybe because it's close to the water?) I was out weeding yesterday and almost got stung. I'm highly allergic to these little devils and now I'm scared to go back down there. How do you guys control wasps? With their nests being under the juniper, you can't see them until you're on top of them and they furiously fly out ready to attack. I just can't risk being stung and I need a way to treat the whole area. I'm at a loss here.