Garden Ornament
Well Folks,
I've got quite a few melons on my Orange Tendersweet plants, and a few are pretty large! I have my large one that has grown a lot, and I dont know when to pick these things! I've heard all kinds of techniques, and I wanted to know which worked well for you? This watermelon has NO spot on the bottom, some that are half the size of it do, so Im confused. It does have a yellow spot on the top, but it looks like too much exposure to the sun or something. The vine is still healthy and green, and the curl is too. It sounds kind of hollow when I thump it. So what techniques do you guys use to tell when your watermelons are ripe? Thanks!
I've got quite a few melons on my Orange Tendersweet plants, and a few are pretty large! I have my large one that has grown a lot, and I dont know when to pick these things! I've heard all kinds of techniques, and I wanted to know which worked well for you? This watermelon has NO spot on the bottom, some that are half the size of it do, so Im confused. It does have a yellow spot on the top, but it looks like too much exposure to the sun or something. The vine is still healthy and green, and the curl is too. It sounds kind of hollow when I thump it. So what techniques do you guys use to tell when your watermelons are ripe? Thanks!