Can anyone ID this plant? It's growing right next to a stinging nettle plant (neither of which I actually planted...
) What's interesting, though, is I had read at one point about certain plants relieving the sting of the nettle, and that they grew near them. When my mom got stung by the nettle, she rubbed a piece of the leaf of this plant on it, and the sting was instantly gone. But I can't find anything online about it from a list of plants that helps the nettle, so I don't know what it is. It's about the same size of plant as the nettle, though. Maybe a few inches taller.
My mom and I use the nettle in our green drinks, and are wondering if we can use this plant, too. I'm sure we can, since apparently it takes the toxins out from nettle stings, so I would think it woudl do the same for your insides, too. But I don't want to eat it without knowing what it is and have it be toxic in large amounts or something, you know?
Unfortunately, this is the only picture I have. It's too dark to go take a better one. This was from a couple of weeks ago when it was flowering. You can sort of see the leaves, but I know it's not the best picture for ID-ing, so if anyone can make a guess based on it, you're amazing.
My mom and I use the nettle in our green drinks, and are wondering if we can use this plant, too. I'm sure we can, since apparently it takes the toxins out from nettle stings, so I would think it woudl do the same for your insides, too. But I don't want to eat it without knowing what it is and have it be toxic in large amounts or something, you know?
Unfortunately, this is the only picture I have. It's too dark to go take a better one. This was from a couple of weeks ago when it was flowering. You can sort of see the leaves, but I know it's not the best picture for ID-ing, so if anyone can make a guess based on it, you're amazing.