We are hoping to expand our garden this year as well as make sure we can grow so much of certain things to stock pile.
They are; potatoes, corn, cucumbers and pumpkin. The first three will be for us, pumpkin will be stored to feed the livestock. Will also be growing a lot of tomatoes, peas, leafy veggies and peppers. I'll be selling what I can and rest will be for the livestock again.
We also breed livestock; I breed to sell and butcher sheep, pigs and rabbits. Pigs are new, so we won't have any for awhile. Sheep we got a year and a half ago, last lambing season, we had only one ewe lamb born and 4 ram lambs. One ram was black and white, we kept as a pet until we sold him 3mo ago. Rest easily sold, so we ended up having no lamb last year for the freezer. Hoping we have many lambs this year, half ewes for breeding and the rest rams, all but one will be sold. Hopefully.
We've been eating rabbits for about a year and recently, I have been culling and bringing in new, better stock. We are always expanding on the rabbits, just like sheep, we love them and they are so easy to care for.
Our chickens are only for eggs and to be cute pets, I had them for meat, too, but that was not worth it. I had Pekin, but fed them like pets and they ended up not fat enough to eat. I may try that again either this year or next and this time, darn near free feeding them.
The livestock also feeds our dogs and cats, mainly the LGD.
I'm expecting a lot from our small farm, hobby farm, whatever you want to call it. But hopefully things work out. Surprisingly, my fiance agreed with me that he would like it if we could have our own meat and veggies and no longer need to buy from the store. Never expected that from him, he's more of a city boy. We both grew up in the suburbs, but I've always wanted to work with animals and to live calmly and free, so this is as close as I can get to that. Found out solar is actually NOT worth it money-wise, so I abandoned that real quick. But our electric fence is solar, very, very worth it.
I eat meat, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, pickles and corn. I'm a very picky eater! Everything else is not for me. But the cucumbers, we turned into pickles this past fall and OMG, we both fell in love with our vinegary pickles, they are amazing. We ran out and bought a store jar, total crap! Our family also fell head over heels for ours! There are only the two of us, we both eat very little in a sitting. Fiance hates left overs, I can eat them for about 3 days straight or for every meal for two days before I am beyond over it. So I need to find a way to make fresh food in small amounts without spending all my time in front of the oven!
Anyone else hoping to expand and grow more this year?
Anyone have dish ideas that are easy to make from my listed items for two adults??
They are; potatoes, corn, cucumbers and pumpkin. The first three will be for us, pumpkin will be stored to feed the livestock. Will also be growing a lot of tomatoes, peas, leafy veggies and peppers. I'll be selling what I can and rest will be for the livestock again.
We also breed livestock; I breed to sell and butcher sheep, pigs and rabbits. Pigs are new, so we won't have any for awhile. Sheep we got a year and a half ago, last lambing season, we had only one ewe lamb born and 4 ram lambs. One ram was black and white, we kept as a pet until we sold him 3mo ago. Rest easily sold, so we ended up having no lamb last year for the freezer. Hoping we have many lambs this year, half ewes for breeding and the rest rams, all but one will be sold. Hopefully.
We've been eating rabbits for about a year and recently, I have been culling and bringing in new, better stock. We are always expanding on the rabbits, just like sheep, we love them and they are so easy to care for.
Our chickens are only for eggs and to be cute pets, I had them for meat, too, but that was not worth it. I had Pekin, but fed them like pets and they ended up not fat enough to eat. I may try that again either this year or next and this time, darn near free feeding them.
The livestock also feeds our dogs and cats, mainly the LGD.
I'm expecting a lot from our small farm, hobby farm, whatever you want to call it. But hopefully things work out. Surprisingly, my fiance agreed with me that he would like it if we could have our own meat and veggies and no longer need to buy from the store. Never expected that from him, he's more of a city boy. We both grew up in the suburbs, but I've always wanted to work with animals and to live calmly and free, so this is as close as I can get to that. Found out solar is actually NOT worth it money-wise, so I abandoned that real quick. But our electric fence is solar, very, very worth it.
I eat meat, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, pickles and corn. I'm a very picky eater! Everything else is not for me. But the cucumbers, we turned into pickles this past fall and OMG, we both fell in love with our vinegary pickles, they are amazing. We ran out and bought a store jar, total crap! Our family also fell head over heels for ours! There are only the two of us, we both eat very little in a sitting. Fiance hates left overs, I can eat them for about 3 days straight or for every meal for two days before I am beyond over it. So I need to find a way to make fresh food in small amounts without spending all my time in front of the oven!
Anyone else hoping to expand and grow more this year?
Anyone have dish ideas that are easy to make from my listed items for two adults??