When is the best time to move these plants and split them? How wide do I dig, right under it or out by the "drip edge" so to speak?
I have hostas, almost as old as I am, that I need to move.
As well as a Purple false indigo, Baptisia something. Google says early spring, too late, or in the fall to move it. But it claims 7ft roots!
Yuuca. They're 2.5ft wide, gonna suck handling them! Stabby!
some weird things that may be daylily or something. Spread out random, so will be a pita to dig them all up.

I have hostas, almost as old as I am, that I need to move.
As well as a Purple false indigo, Baptisia something. Google says early spring, too late, or in the fall to move it. But it claims 7ft roots!
Yuuca. They're 2.5ft wide, gonna suck handling them! Stabby!
some weird things that may be daylily or something. Spread out random, so will be a pita to dig them all up.