Garden Master
we all do our best to keep our hard drives free of virus's, maybe not free of garden porn........
for those of you dinosaurs that still have desk top computers <yep i am one of them>.
question when was the last time you took the side cover off and blew out the inside of it?
omg the inside of mine was nasty all 3 fans were plugged with dust,animal hair amazing that any of them worked at all.
really this also goes along with <whole house vacuums> if your computer insides are nasty. really how clean is your vacuum really getting your house, or is it just merely just spreading it all over the house...????
for those of you dinosaurs that still have desk top computers <yep i am one of them>.
question when was the last time you took the side cover off and blew out the inside of it?
omg the inside of mine was nasty all 3 fans were plugged with dust,animal hair amazing that any of them worked at all.
really this also goes along with <whole house vacuums> if your computer insides are nasty. really how clean is your vacuum really getting your house, or is it just merely just spreading it all over the house...????