Just got my Baker Creek catalogue yesterday. Drove my roommate nuts because I sat there all evening reading it like it was a novel or something.
There is SOOO much I want to order - but I have a limited space and this is my first garden so I'm trying to keep it simple.... trying.....
i'd say Baker's Creek, Pine Tree Seeds in Maine at www.superseeds.com they have a mix of both heirlooms and hybrids. there is a guy i get some really good seeds from that sells on Ebay but he also has his own website at http://www.ohioheirloomseeds.com/ i've had the best germination rates from his tomato seeds that i've been buying for a few years now. sometimes you can get better deals when he's auctioning through ebay. other times it is just better to buy it now if you can't get it cheap through the auctions because others want the same thing.