Those are the notices you get right before our company shows up. Usually emergency repair. If not an emergency you will get a notice a few days or weeks ahead of time. I have had to deal with folks half way thru a shower before when the water is cut for emergency services. It happens more and more as our infrastructure ages and starts to fail, we have patched patches many times lol.
I had one of those failures a few weeks back. I watered the dogs and had good water pressure. Then I walked down to the chickens but zero pressure just a couple of minutes later. I called the water company and they said they had a break and were on the way to check it out. A contractor had dug into the line. I bet that contractor was embarrassed. I must have been the first to call as I got a person and not a busy signal.
It only took them a few minutes to get the water back on. They were probably able to isolate the break with valves and reroute the water.