Winterizing roses?


Deeply Rooted
Jul 22, 2024
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When ordering roses for my garden generally I check the cold hardy roses and check the growing zones and heat zonal maps to be sure the roses are safe in my zone 8b . Especially since the newer horticulture growing zone maps have been revised since 2013 climate change and again in 2023 . Also choose roses that are disease resistant. Kinda of goes along when choosing any new plant for gardens depending on which zonal maps are used today. There are several . Nt’l gardening map , Sunset maps , USDA, and AHS plant heat zone, sunset. Most of the current zonal growing maps for cold , freeze, heat , humidity, and drought maps are derived from OHSU.



Deeply Rooted
Jul 19, 2019
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Indiana, zone 5b
That's why it isn't a good idea to buy your roses from a box store.
Town north is 5b, and one year a local Walmart was selling a rose labeled "zone 10."
I know that most people don't read labels, but really?!?!?
When I’m looking at perennials at big box stores, I don’t look at zones, I look at what temperatures it can handle. If it says tolerant down to 40 degrees I skip it. If it says teens or twenties then I know it would probably die here. I look for ones that say well below zero.

I don’t know what zone I’m in anymore. Even before they changed them all, the line went basically right through my house, so I didn’t consider that I was specifically in one or the other.

Anyone who doesn’t read the plant tags deserves what they get! 🤣


Garden Addicted
Jan 11, 2019
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
When I’m looking at perennials at big box stores, I don’t look at zones, I look at what temperatures it can handle. If it says tolerant down to 40 degrees I skip it. If it says teens or twenties then I know it would probably die here. I look for ones that say well below zero.

I don’t know what zone I’m in anymore. Even before they changed them all, the line went basically right through my house, so I didn’t consider that I was specifically in one or the other.

Anyone who doesn’t read the plant tags deserves what they get! 🤣
I'm actually considering going in the opposite direction. My wife wants to grow our own sugar cane. And I would like to try some citrus trees, avocado, along with figs, pomegranate and maybe even try banna. I'm in zone 7, so these plants are not hardy for my zone.

i kind of have a loose plan in my mind though. I could grow all these in 55 gallon steel drums during the summer. Then I prune and move them with my skid steer into the barn for winter. I have a 8'x8'x20' tackroom in the barn with cement floor. I could insulate the tack room, hang artifical lighting from the ceiling and I could heat it pretty easily with electic heater. After danger of frost has passed I could move the 55 gallon drums outdoors to grow over summer, then back into the tackroom to overwinter, rinse and repeat...

I think I could make this work. Especially if I chose varieties wisely. I could also use pasture gold for soil in the 55 gallon drums. After amending for PH, everything we plant in pasture gold grows like crazy. Think of the 55 gallon steel drums like huge pots.

Like I said its a loose plan, but doable in my mind. Growing and raising and preserving our own food annuly, is near the top of our priority list.

Jesus is Lord and Christ ✝️
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