New profile posts

Getting acquainted with the new site. I was sent here by someone from Gardenweb. They highly recommended it. Looking forward to it.
Hi, Ninnymary. I just joined this forum. I saw your post from July 2017 with pictures of your fig with leaves curling up. Well, that is exactly what is now going on with our previously healthy and abundant fiddle leaf so I was hoping you had some further information and a potential cause. Thanks if you are still here in this forum and have time to answer.
Hi Elemee,

I still don’t know what causes it. I do know that leaves droop when it’s hot to shade themselves and reduce evaporation. Maybe that’s it since it is only the leaves that face towards the sun. Although it doesn’t get that hot here.
So exciet the weather finally decided to make up it’s mind!Now I can start my yard make over!