New profile posts

Hi Steve, the other day you posted a link to what you were using for greenhouse insulation. I am not able to find it again, hope you can help.
Ty for any leads
I saw your 2 year old post on olive trees and replied, asking what variety you have that’s doing well in Greensboro (I live in WS). Since it’s such an old post, I don’t know if you would see it. Anyhow, I’d love to learn the variety, maybe where to find one, or if possible yo grow from an olive, if I could get one from you. Thank you - Cindy Morgan
I'm a 70yo woman living in the burbs of Los Angeles with my husband and my married daughter's family including my 7yo grandson.
I've been composting and working on my adobe clay soil for 15 years. I think I'm ready to garden now!