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I have a backyard farm of sorts. I have Bantum Silkies, corinex quail and 2 Pekin ducks for eggs. I have a Dutch dwarf rabbit as a pet that provides lots of poop for fertilizer along with the chickens and quail poop. I have a fenced in garden for my tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, and other garden plants that I will use for baking and giving greens to my critters. I have a lot of potted flowers too.
We do too! On the front porch we have some Gerber daisies and on the back porch we have everything!
Live on 30 Acres in East Texas, Raise meat rabbits and chickens. I use Back to Eden Gardening style and have three large gardens. I can, dehydrate, freeze and share all things from my garden.