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  • Hi, Ninnymary. I just joined this forum. I saw your post from July 2017 with pictures of your fig with leaves curling up. Well, that is exactly what is now going on with our previously healthy and abundant fiddle leaf so I was hoping you had some further information and a potential cause. Thanks if you are still here in this forum and have time to answer.
    Hi Elemee,

    I still don’t know what causes it. I do know that leaves droop when it’s hot to shade themselves and reduce evaporation. Maybe that’s it since it is only the leaves that face towards the sun. Although it doesn’t get that hot here.
    It worked whatever you did, and you are a cute gardening babe! Now maybe the other garden babes will put up pictures of themselves too!
    I really like your new avatar!
    Thanks Marshall,

    I really don't know how I did it. I saw this banner telling me I didn't have one and there was a link. So I clicked on it but realized that I needed to find a picture first. So I went to the pics and I saw hundreds and didn't think I would find my gardening ones so I got out of that and tried again and found them. Then went back to the link.

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