Deeply Rooted
Yep, it's a weed! Beautiful orchid-like flowers on a hollow stalk. When I grow them in full sun they get about 3 feet tall and the stalk is very red, in my shade corner they can get 9'+ and the base of the stem can be as big around as my wrist. The roots seem to crown above ground and they blow over pretty easy when they get big. Very noticeable joints on the stems. The seed pod is eggplant shaped and striped, when mature they POP. broadcasting seed up to 7' away. They are really fun to 'pop' in your fingers!
Hundreds come up but I just pull the weaker (juicy compost) or transplant to a bare spot. The ones that come up in the lawn disappear after a couple mows.
I keep growing them because they are easily controlled and the bumblers and honeybees just LOVE them...besides, they are so pretty!

Hundreds come up but I just pull the weaker (juicy compost) or transplant to a bare spot. The ones that come up in the lawn disappear after a couple mows.
I keep growing them because they are easily controlled and the bumblers and honeybees just LOVE them...besides, they are so pretty!