Deeply Rooted
My mom decided I didn't have enuff daylilies, I only had three:

She got me this wonderful collection from Breck's! Yes, my mom is AWSUM!

They came right on time this spring and six have already bloomed for me, just waiting on the Bela Lugosi and Judy Judy. (top left, bottom right)
First to bloom was Early Snow, very pretty, huge blooms but it sure doesn't look like the pic... very peachy.
catalog pic of Early Snow:

Next to bloom was the Inwood, I am entranced with this flower!
Mighty Chestnut came out a few days later, just WOW...
Majestic Move, huge flower, just huge!
Cherokee Star started blooming about the same time, I can't believe this red!
(to be cont.)

She got me this wonderful collection from Breck's! Yes, my mom is AWSUM!

They came right on time this spring and six have already bloomed for me, just waiting on the Bela Lugosi and Judy Judy. (top left, bottom right)
First to bloom was Early Snow, very pretty, huge blooms but it sure doesn't look like the pic... very peachy.
catalog pic of Early Snow:

Next to bloom was the Inwood, I am entranced with this flower!
Mighty Chestnut came out a few days later, just WOW...
Majestic Move, huge flower, just huge!
Cherokee Star started blooming about the same time, I can't believe this red!
(to be cont.)
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