Garden Master
Limas... favas... sword beans. 

Another candidate would be some sorts of peas. There is a trait called the "caterpillar" or "chenille" pea where the peas sit very closely together in the pod, so they apress each other as they grow (basically the same thing as some beans have, or crowder cow peas). In REALLY extreme cases this can result in peas that are more or less perfect cylinders. It's been a long time (during my college days) since I saw peas that extreme, but they do exist.
Annette I grew it last year. It is also called Condor. I received my seeds from Jannes Adler. He said Condor' is a pole bean from Brazil. It is a stringless slicing bean. Think you would also call it a 'Sword Bean', a big flat pod. It colors beautifully red when ready to eat. I was only able to get a few from my plants because of the bad growing year, but the pods were huge! They were growing next to the Bird Egg #3 you sent me and the pods were the same size. I did not try any they were all saved for seed.Has anyone grown this one? Another interesting sounding snap bean I found while surfing the web.
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Buenos Aires Roja
Believed to have originated in South America. This bean is striking. The pods flatten out like a Romano type bean. Tenderest bean I have ever cooked. You actually have to watch not to cook them too long. The taste was sweet and the texture is like butter. Green flattened pods with red marbling that disappears when cooked. One of the best beans I’ve had in a long time. They can grow up to 7 inches (18 cm long and 2-2.2 cm wide.) in length and will still be tender. I have heard you can also use the dried seed in soups but I have not done that so no info there. An early bean so no waiting for the end of summer.
I saved seeds if you want some@Tricia77 , it sounded like it might be a good one you'll have to let us know if it is as good as it is said to be. I'd order it myself but have had to cut down on what I'm growing this year. Still I could order a pkt. and pop them in the freezer, if I don't get the chance to grow them someone will.
I saved seeds if you want some![]()
I don’t have it. Could you message me?Thanks for the offer, do you have my address, if not I'll message it to you. I'd only need half a dozen seed I might even get another pole put in and grow them this year.