Daughter invited me to come for a ride.


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
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SW Washington
I was most impressed reading about Trekhaner "Abdullah" in "Practical Horseman." (1984 Olympic Show Jumper, USA.) They trained him to understand the difference between the regular halter and the fuzzy "breeding" halter, and schooled him in an arena surrounded by grazing broodmares, the double whammy, horses eating and...mares. Then, when he was shown he didn't misbehave.
Wish I had THAT amount of time to train...
Ranch / farm work is one of the most accident prone professions there is. ( A friend was wheelchair bound when he was thrown off by a gelding while riding in his round pen and hit his back on the fence. A friend was kicked in her face and spent 2 days in the hospital unconcous by a mare as she was being shod. A neighbor purchased a mare from the BLM , she bred the mare to a QH stallion, her yearling colt attacked and killed her husband while he was cleaning out his corral. A homeowner new to farm life and horses was hit in her head by a rearing mare was paralized and became wheelchair bound. Etc. ) I was born and raised on a farm. Horse breeding was my profession . I wasn't thrilled to the possibility to be injured / or crippled / or killed and so I did everything that I could to minimize that prospect. I attended every safety class , OSHA , and Workman's comp. class that I could find. I know that a stallion can be a time bomb and can go off at any time, so I spent countless hours with All of my stallions (as well as all other horses ) so that they were well schooled and knew the difference between paying attention to their handler wearing their regular halter or under saddle or without wearing anything , where they were extreamely well behaved no matter if there were mares ( or any horse for that matter ) around or not, and a separate leather "BREEDING " halter, chain over their nose, and a 30 ft. long line . They all KNEW the difference and their job . Still, accidents do happen.

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
Life is accident prone! I was raised on a ranch, I live on a ranch. We sold our horses when the girls were younger, our youngest use to ride the Stallion, They were minis, wife bought the whole band of 8 because they were living in mud up to their knees. Girls always loved horses, I was of course concerned about the chance of injury, more so with our little one because she was so hands on. They made and sold items to aid our wild horses. We watched horse movies, eat off dishes with horses painted on them. But, I was reluctant to get any horses for the reason I mentioned. So I see notice she's made the bull calf a pet, he's getting larger getting to be a Bull Bull. And she's riding him, the animals are the girls by the by.

They~she worked other peoples ranches cared for, fed and mucked And trained their Animals.
Just a while back, I walked down and watched her work, I hung out at the Kent's place and watched her training a horse to cart. She did repetitious things, demanding movements, and reactions Or Lack of reactions from the, in this case a horse. She began describing what she was doing and why, what the animal was thinking, and how what she was doing would bring about a desired or result that no progress could be made until this was true and both she and the horse knew it.

A kindred sprit, a friend seeing this, as I laid it out in picture and word, saw and said: It's time, I knew it, I was there close enough to smell the horse that after telling me re: the horse "I want her to be more than ready (for the cart) we ,in time, were riding for miles around old wagon trails as she trained how to act what not to be afraid of. So I allowed and a horse was brought in.

We'd seen her train Dogs, goats, cows, bulls, birds and frogs to do what was not the norm for them to do on demand.

There are people ,maybe you and I who, have done jobs, moved mountains and drudged for years and there are those who can do it better, closer to what when seen can only be described as the right way, because they have something given them by the Lord, who else, that let's them see into the animal and the animal see them as well.

The girls ski at an Expert Level, skiing Expert terrain and conditions there is danger.

I'm the most protective daddy in this world. When daughter told me: When I grow up and get my own horse it will be,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I knew it was time, while I could be there to watch, while I could still be there!

There are those that can do a thing as it should be done, maybe if you and I had done things differently, the animals would have thought of us a little different and just maybe our opinion of them would be closer to what they deserve.
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valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
She tells me his summer coat is darker. As he shedding his winter woolies he is darker. You can see his under saddle color.


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valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
So the girls are going for hay ~ over to Gardnerville- Makleville area ~ youngest daughter doesn't want me to do anything ~ like she had a routine ~ if I help ~ that'll ruin everything ~ so she hooks up the flat trailer ~ I try to help ~ No, I can do this ~ tries to check the tires ~ but the air hose won't work ~ let me try ~ I fill the tires ~ But ~ one valve stem goes Ffffsssssissss ~ we can put in a new valve stem ~ No I'll hook up another trailer ~ the girls try but can't get he hitch coupled on her GMC ~ pushing an Pulling ~ if they can get the hitch over just a bit ~ it'll slip onto the ball ~ can't do it ( the Jockey Wheel is in stuck in the ground about 3" ~ Push Pull ~ I trying to help ~ just getting in the way ~ " Call him ~ tell him we can't come today " Hold on ~ Let's raise the Jockey Wheel ~ put a board under it ~ then we can move the trailer tang over ~ No then the trailer will be too low ~ " It can't the tang is over the ball and the wheel won't be anchored in the dirt ~ so the trailer is hooked up ``` I just put ATF in the tranny ~ how much is too much ~ how much did you put in ~ a quart ~ and how full is it ~ about this much over the full line ~ was the oil hot ~ measure it in park with the engine running ~ I look ~ it' way too much ~ is there a way to take some out ~ Yes ~ if you have a drain plug ~ but on a GMC I don't think you have one ~ you can open a ATF line going to the radiator ~ will that make a mess ~ yep, but we can clean it up ~ OK, you can't get at the bottom line so it's the top one , the ATF will be coming out of the radiator not the oil line ~ but you can put something under and catch as much as you can ``` She goes for her tools ~ Let me get you a Tubing wrench so we don't round the fitting ~ Can't get in there ~ Let me try ~ Ok start the engine ~ that's it turn it off ~ That fast? ~ how much came out ~ the funnel has reading , how much does it say ~ pint and 1/2 ~ that's about what I put in ```

Ok so we're off
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valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
We get to there ~ pull in as couple three guys with truck and trailer pull out loaded with hay ```

The hay ~ some has gotten wet and is moldy ~ so we load or they load ~ I'm permitted to help a bit ```

How much you got in there ~ 13 bales says Yerazel ~ I don't need cow hay , I can get that for $6 a bale ~ and Bart will deliver ~ so the farmer is happy with the sale ```

We get back and they're unloading ~ how many bales did you pay for ~ 13 that's all the rest were moldy ~ I'm counting 14 ~ No there are 1 2 4 8 there and 10 and 3 ~ There are 10 there and 4 in the trailer ~ Oh ~ we have to go back ~ No were not going back to Gardnerville ~ we'll make it up next time we deal with him ~ I have to Text him ~ yeh tell him, next time we'r over that way , are you gona feed me ``` So she writs a letter and reads it to us : She sorry , she would never do that intentionally and she's sending $10.00 ~ you'r going to send two dollars extra , why , because you've sinned ~ OK , I've re written i'm sending $9 ~ why $9 ~ because it was $8.50 a bale and I can't send change ```

She felt bad for a long time because her sister and I kinda made fun of her ~ I don't want her to be mad at me , it doesn't feel good ```

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
No Mary, he's just hard to keep weight on ~ she gives him a pelleted supplement to add bulk ```

He does look bony in that photo ~ but he's filled out now ```

Well ~ you know ~ he is kinda a rescue ~ he was just in a corral ~ given hay and water ~ Like a prisoner ```
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