Garden Master

Bless you for taking him!! At LEAST he was fed. There are just TOO MANY horses out there for people who want them. I have to make time to train and ride nowadays, but I spent two hours yesterday mucking out stalls that I couldn't get to--one was wet--so that my 3 horses could have some nice, dry beds for the coldest night in a whole month. A lot of people cannot sell the horse that they once wanted and cut back $ for feed and care. He COULD have been in MUCH worse shape.
He was put in a corral for 14 years?No wonder he loves your daughter so much. She brought his soul back to life! It is obvious that they were made to be together. He is beautiful and they are both happy.
I have 2 senior horses that will die with me. I will not, can not, send them to slaughter--ever. One is a 28 year old gelding that is the love of my life, he is still ridable and a marvelous baby sitter. The other is a 30 year old Tennessee Walker mare that has carried me many a mile, she has breathing issues, like COPD and I no longer ride her. No matter, she has earned her place. Both are roly-poly fat and look like 8 year olds. While I recognize that there is a place for horse slaughter, it is not for mine.