Have You Ever Blocked Another Member ?


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
@so lucky funny you brought that up..2 weeks ago we had an employee evaluation, it was my turn to go in owner and g/m gave me 10's across the board, except for
"i am a little to vocal towards other employees "
my response..
if they did their job right i would not have to bitch, i am getting tired of them when i walk by and ask if everything is good and they say great. then we have a employee meeting and you ask is everything working right and then they chime in... basically running me under the bus, and i will respond with a honest question you stop it right there making me out to be the bad person.

have been with the company for 19+years 15+years as the maintenance director both of you have asked me certain questions over the years, both have given me a look. well because i don't pull any punches and will speak my mind and give you honest answer.

well for the last 4 years that they have been giving evaluations, been a 5-10% increase every year...

funny thing is still treated like employee #351

so in closing keyboard family or in person will give a positive or your full sh!t response for here there are only 3 people who are so full of themselves and will not give them the time of day, for the rest of you good lord i would truly love to meet, i mean would sit down with you all day and pull weeds or whatever with you, of course hijacking your thread......

you might have a bus...
but a have a 18 wheeler ready to respond ....boya

love yea all......

i've met people from all over the country at various parties arranged by the ancient technologies known as usenet and e-mail. even if we've not particularly gotten along "on-line" i've always been able to either ignore a person or at least be civil. so for the most part i wouldn't have any trouble meeting anyone from here that i've interacted with.

even you major. that 'lil sister of yours may be a handful, but i suspect i may have more trouble keeping her and seedcorn from pulling each other's pigtails...

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
@so lucky funny you brought that up..2 weeks ago we had an employee evaluation, it was my turn to go in owner and g/m gave me 10's across the board, except for
"i am a little to vocal towards other employees "
my response..
if they did their job right i would not have to bitch, i am getting tired of them when i walk by and ask if everything is good and they say great. then we have a employee meeting and you ask is everything working right and then they chime in... basically running me under the bus, and i will respond with a honest question you stop it right there making me out to be the bad person.

have been with the company for 19+years 15+years as the maintenance director both of you have asked me certain questions over the years, both have given me a look. well because i don't pull any punches and will speak my mind and give you honest answer.

well for the last 4 years that they have been giving evaluations, been a 5-10% increase every year...

funny thing is still treated like employee #351

so in closing keyboard family or in person will give a positive or your full sh!t response for here there are only 3 people who are so full of themselves and will not give them the time of day, for the rest of you good lord i would truly love to meet, i mean would sit down with you all day and pull weeds or whatever with you, of course hijacking your thread......

you might have a bus...
but a have a 18 wheeler ready to respond ....boya

love yea all......
Those employee evaluations can be brutal. Yep I know the thrown under the bus feeling. (I would much rather drive the bus) ;)
I agree about loving to meet MANY of you in person someday. You and your sweet DW are in the top 5 ;)


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
Those employee evaluations can be brutal. Yep I know the thrown under the bus feeling. (I would much rather drive the bus) ;)
I agree about loving to meet MANY of you in person someday. You and your sweet DW are in the top 5 ;)

Be careful what you wish for, School Bus Driver. I was in the position of having to do some of those evaluations. I purely hated that, it was worse than being evaluated. What you put down not only affects their raises and promotions but maybe even continued employment. Talk about pressure. Then you still had the face-to-face consultation to go through. Nothing in that process is pleasant.

Another thing I hate are those surveys you always get. I don't reply to many and only if I can give perfects across the board. Those things can effect someone's take home pay, promotions, or employment also and some questions can have nothing to do with the person. Some of those product evaluations are ridiculous. I've received several of those when I order something online and have not even received the shipment.


Garden Master
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
I enjoy spirited conversation, too. But you know, these days it seems like we all (myself included) feel more strongly about things, and the anonymous nature of the internet seems to make us bolder. I am sure some of the things I see people say to each other on line (not here), they wouldn't dream of saying face to face.
For years my motto has been "
Don't do anything you wouldn't want your grandma to see"
. Although I have forgotten this motto a time or two.

My grandma had a helicopter piloting license, traveled the world, was an underwear model at a time you normally had to hire strippers to do such an unseemly thing---pretty sure she'd be the one to throw the first punch. ;-)


Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
north carolina
if you do your job and be a team player, your employee evaluation should go smoothly and "should be an increase in pay"...

the funny thing is most of the person/people doing the employee evaluations "bean counters" dont have a f ing clue what employees really does, because they sit at a desk all day and rarely watch what the employee has to do.....

to me before someone can give any type of employee evaluations, that they need to work in every station in a business.....


Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
Reaction score
White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
My grandma had a helicopter piloting license, traveled the world, was an underwear model at a time you normally had to hire strippers to do such an unseemly thing---pretty sure she'd be the one to throw the first punch. ;-)
Sounds like our grandma could be sisters/ Mine modeled fur coats, I would have dared any peta member to confront her on fur coats :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: They would have been sorry very fast. I still have her leopard coat in back of myy closet. She loved that coat more then people. Cleaning out her apartment I could not throw it away. Because the coat is before it became illegal I can sell for a small fortune but doesn't seem right

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
if you do your job and be a team player, your employee evaluation should go smoothly and "should be an increase in pay"...

the funny thing is most of the person/people doing the employee evaluations "bean counters" dont have a f ing clue what employees really does, because they sit at a desk all day and rarely watch what the employee has to do.....

to me before someone can give any type of employee evaluations, that they need to work in every station in a business.....


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
while i mostly agree with the sentiment, there are some jobs that cannot be done by some people... but yeah, if you are supervisor you should know the work your workers are doing and have performed enough of it to be a competent manager.

except, well that doesn't always work out that ways. :) i was hired by someone as a programmer, they didn't know programming, they trusted me to do what needed to be done. eventually they left and i had to report up another layer to the director. he didn't know programming either. usually he just said to talk to his secretary since she was pretty sharp and knew what i was talking about and trying to do. once a quarter i'd go in and say hi to him and give him a few minute update, but he usually said, ok and told me to talk to his secretary instead...

not that there's any real points to this, but i guess i could distill this down to sometimes you do have to trust others and perhaps communication does actually work...

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