Have You Ever Blocked Another Member ?


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
@flowerbug I realize my views are opposed to “organic” when I point out their inconsistencies. While you have not been on this site that long, I have no problems with however people want to grow or buy their food-as long as legal. Want it grown by more expensive methods, no problem, just be ready to pay for it. Except I use some commercial fertilizer, my garden is chemical free-completely free not “organic” approved chemicals.
I’ll make you a promise, link where I called a poster a “liar” and I will issue an apology.
To the 2 posters that called me anti-Christ and Satan’s servant, I blocked with NO APOLOGIES


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
@flowerbug I realize my views are opposed to “organic” when I point out their inconsistencies. While you have not been on this site that long, I have no problems with however people want to grow or buy their food-as long as legal. Want it grown by more expensive methods, no problem, just be ready to pay for it. Except I use some commercial fertilizer, my garden is chemical free-completely free not “organic” approved chemicals.
I’ll make you a promise, link where I called a poster a “liar” and I will issue an apology.
To the 2 posters that called me anti-Christ and Satan’s servant, I blocked with NO APOLOGIES

ok, thank you for your reply. :) oh, and well, i'd not block people like that, i just move on. sorry i called you a hypocrite.

if i see you do it again i'll poke you.

i don't follow gov't definition of "organic", i did read through the manual for it several years ago and while the general gist of things is ok, i won't be using some of those things ever because i don't need to or don't think it appropriate. so perhaps we agree there. i dunno as i don't keep track of what is and isn't approved. i don't find my own growing being expensive because of using simpler methods i spend very little on trace amendments and nothing on fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides. the biggest expense here is just owning the land/taxes and keeping things up, keeping warm in the winter and the lights on and such.

as for price on organic items, some are more, we don't usually buy a lot of things we can't grow ourselves, carrots are our biggest monthly purchase but it turns out that the big box store where we get them only gets them from an organic grower now. and that big box store price is pretty good in comparison to any local store we'd buy any carrots from let alone organic. to me that indicates that if enough capacity/growers come along then organic is doing just fine in competition. it will continue to be some time yet before more things reach that level but to me that's ok, it's just how it is. i'll gladly pay a small premium to support organic growers just like i'll be happy to support local growers and stores if they have things i actually need at a decent quality.


Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
north carolina
I’m currently blocking 2 posters. They are advocates of lies with a very mean spirit whose only desires are to inflict pain. If that makes me close minded, so be it. I come here to relax, learn and give some of you a little grief. I do bond with my delusional brother and lil princess sis.....:frow

DELUSIONAL.... LETS GET ONE THING STRAIGHT yes i do come from royalty this is a known fact...

fact 2..... i'm not the one who has to be placed in restraints when the word "southern" gets mentioned



Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
I've blocked people before...can't remember if I ever did it on this site.

I don't see it as close minded at all. Toxic people are everywhere but if you can avoid their toxicity, why not just politely use the blocking feature as opposed to having to avoid all the posts they participate in. I have people on the sister sites who follow me and post right behind me to incite an argument...in order to enjoy those sites, I just block that person so I don't have to ever see their activities.

It takes a good bit from a person to get me to that point, as I give them every chance to grow a brain cell or two, but eventually it's tiresome to post on a site when someone is stalking you. I've even had them follow me from one forum site to another to do that...it's weird to hate someone that much that you'd do so much work to get under their skin.

It's either block or just not post on the forum any longer. If I like the forum site very much, I'll just block. If that person seems to rule the site, I just don't post on that forum any longer.

Not close minded, it's called very little patience for idiocy and meanness as I age.


Garden Master
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
I have 1 member of this website blocked, but it isn't because of behavior or anything like that. It's just that my feed gets positively drowned in posts that are unrelated to gardening, and I just want to focus on plants. I'm sometimes tempted to unblock because their related topics are usually very interesting sounding (I can read the titles) but I just don't want to deal with the borderline spam.

Edited to add: If you are curious about the block feature but don't want to offend anyone, feel free to use me as a test subject. :)
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Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
I’m currently blocking 2 posters. They are advocates of lies with a very mean spirit whose only desires are to inflict pain. If that makes me close minded, so be it. I come here to relax, learn and give some of you a little grief. I do bond with my delusional brother and lil princess sis.....:frow
Well I know that can't be me! hahaha

Although I'm pretty sure a member here has me blocked. :hide

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