Garden Master
It is a Black Capped Chickadee, aveage lifespan is about twelve years.
It is a Black Capped Chickadee, aveage lifespan is about twelve years.
Congrats @jackb for getting this week's POW!Feathered Friend. No matter how cold and gloomy the weather these little creatures seem to enjoy life to the fullest. These friendly birds will land on you if you stand still. I have had them land on the lens of my camera and look at their reflection.
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YES, it is a Downy. I feed pick-out peanuts. Buy them in bulk at Thiesens or any store that sells feed for wild birds. They love it but so do the sparrows!Nuthatches are one of my favorite visitors to our feeders.I love their little nasal sounding call.
Is that a Downy woodpecker sharing the feeder?
And what are the nuts in the feeder?