Good evening! I bought a raised bed last year that has two 4'x4' sections, one side of it is filled with strawberries, the other side never got used because my garden was elsewhere however, I did add garden soil to the vacant side. The neighbors have about 12 cats (not joking) and they decided that they wanted to use the vacant side of my garden as their litter box. I have weed cloth underneath the soil. I am just wondering if I need to replace the weed cloth as well as the soil, or just the soil as I plan on using it this year? I know that its not safe to garden in soil where cat feces are present. So I am just wondering what way would be best. And if anyone has tried and true ways of cat repellents that don't cost a crap ton of money, I will take any suggestions.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
We used to live next to a cat hoarder. 4,873 cats showed up for food every evening. Well......maybe not that many, but no kidding, about a hundred cats. They sprayed the porch and the corner of the house (our bedroom) and the stench permeated the room. I hated them. They howled and screeched all night while breeding. They used my garden for a toilet. I REALLY hated them. It did no good to complain to the city. I bought plastic forks and stuck the handles in the dirt, fork tines up. Let them squat on THAT and stick their stinking butts on the forks! I spaced them 3" apart. It worked. It looked tacky, but I didn't care. I despise cat poop, it stinks. I totally despise somebody elses cats crapping all over my yard, but especially in my garden. I know how you feel.


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
I'm fond of electricity. I used a single strand of hot wire around my open garden plot one year to keep my own cats out. About chest high on a cat. It even worked on the chickens which surprised me.
You can find basic electric chargers for under $40 that run on AC, and if you're creative you can rig up a box to install it under to keep it from the elements, or you can find battery operated ones that can be out in the open. I have a small one that I paid about $30 dollars for several years ago. It's not meant for livestock or acres of wire, but works great for me as a dog/cat etc. deterrent.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
My garden beds were in the front yard between the sidewalk and driveway, with walkways between the beds. The forks were easier than a hot wire would have been. It did make me want to fence the front and put a pet alligator in there.


We used to live next to a cat hoarder. 4,873 cats showed up for food every evening. Well......maybe not that many, but no kidding, about a hundred cats. They sprayed the porch and the corner of the house (our bedroom) and the stench permeated the room. I hated them. They howled and screeched all night while breeding. They used my garden for a toilet. I REALLY hated them. It did no good to complain to the city. I bought plastic forks and stuck the handles in the dirt, fork tines up. Let them squat on THAT and stick their stinking butts on the forks! I spaced them 3" apart. It worked. It looked tacky, but I didn't care. I despise cat poop, it stinks. I totally despise somebody elses cats crapping all over my yard, but especially in my garden. I know how you feel.
I agree. I have complained to the city but they said that cats are "free spirits" & they can do whatever they darn well please *eyeroll* which is very upsetting, but whatever. They have made me despise cats *Period*. I think I will try the plastic fork trick, I'm sure they will try to use my other garden boxes that my husband is building me as well and I can't afford electric wire for all 7 of the boxes. I like the pet alligator idea, Perhaps I should capture a black bear and keep/train it to be my cat repelling (or cat devouring) pet?


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
There are also live trap options...
Will the animal control for your county take "stray" cats? Or maybe a rescue animal shelter? Are their cats neutered? Are they spitting out kittens left and right? I had a dog that would find kitten nests and gulp them down. I called them kitty snacks.

I am not a cat hater, I hate irresponsible people who let their obsession become an out of control nuisance to their neighbors.


My neighbor takes in "feral" cats. She has a new one every day. I assume most of them aren't neutered as she has kittens every other month, I swear. One of them even had her litter under my porch. Animal control won't do anything. They said I could trap them, but I am afraid that it would start a feud... They aren't kind or understanding people.


Fence the yard and put a mean dog in it. The cats didn't go in the back yard, but our front yard was not fenced. I took one dog out front and let him rummage around...…..
I wish that were an option. I am a renter for now. Unfortunately no pets allowed nor am I allowed to add a fence :(
Hoping that if everything goes well this year, I should have my own house and land by next year and then I can do what I please!

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