Garden Master
I never would have associated snow with Texas until I moved here from San Diego in the 90's. I drove through Amarillo in late January - and couldn't help but notice that there were no snow plows down there. It had apparently snowed several inches, then either partially thawed or got rained on, and then the slush froze. I-40 was covered with 4-6" of ice, with tire ruts frozen in; and where the tire ruts were, that's where you were going, like it or not. Sometimes I had to follow the ruts onto a ramp, then follow other ruts back onto the freeway. I was towing another vehicle, so that was a real white-knuckle drive for about 100 miles.Because we have such mild winters with very little really cold weather, there are no snow plows, they send out trucks to put sand on the main roads, that's about all.