Garden Master
@ducks4you , @Marie2020 , there are others ... roommates with your cats
(Thought of my seedlings in the South Window
Mine would have just sat on the phoneI can never get that vision out of my mind of my cat trying to knock my phone off my table because he didn't want me watching Netflix, he wanted a cuddle time.
He got that right“There Are Two Means Of Refuge From The Miseries Of Life: Music And Cats.” ~ Albert Schweitzer
Mine would have just sat on the phone
So many times I’ve gone looking for
my phone and finally gave up at called it with the house phone only to find it under the cat. @digitS' that was one of my main factors in deciding to buy a cheap plastic greenhouse. Two of my cats eat the plants, two more eat the dirt, EAT IT! And we have two more foster babies that haven’t met a plant yet so no idea what they would do.
Steve. Stop it you are killing me
Heartbreaking. Local cat says that it has not been fed for its entire life!
update: sources close to cat claim that it was fed between 4 and 6 hours ago. these claims are being investigated.
update: cat was fed 20 minutes ago by the last person to walk into the kitchen! cat claims that this is fake mews.
update: we now have exclusive video by our crack Right Now, Today! team that there is literally still food in the cat's bowl!