Welcome from Alaska, we got varmints too! That chain link he’s eye’ing keeps them out!
The kennels are brand new and we just set them up for the garden. There are times we have 25 deer in the yard. I plan to grow peas, beans, and cucumbers along the edges so they can climb like a trellis. Then carrots, tomatoes, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, peppers. Brussels sprouts, potatoes and onions, and garlic. I also have 5 above the ground boxes I have been using that are 2 x 6 feet and very productive. These work great for tomatoes and peppers. Also cabbage and broccoli. I just ordered an 8 x 8 ft polycarbonate greenhouse which will be here early May.welcome to TEG from mid-Michigan.how long have those kennels been empty?
what will you be growing?
The kennels are brand new and we just set them up for the garden. There are times we have 25 deer in the yard. I plan to grow peas, beans, and cucumbers along the edges so they can climb like a trellis. Then carrots, tomatoes, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, peppers. Brussels sprouts, potatoes and onions, and garlic. I also have 5 above the ground boxes I have been using that are 2 x 6 feet and very productive. These work great for tomatoes and peppers. Also cabbage and broccoli. I just ordered an 8 x 8 ft polycarbonate greenhouse which will be here early May.
I do a lot of canning and freezing so we are pretty self sufficient. We also have an orchard which needs a 6 ft fence this year. The plan is to be self sufficient. I am starting with chickens for eggs and 2 ducklings this year. We are trying to make good use of our cleared 5 acres. We also have 5 acres of woods.
That's easy enough to do since the posts, which we got for free, are stainless steel and 15 feet long. They are what mechanics use for exhaust systems on cars. We will then use barbed wire.we have deer about here too at times. unable to completely enclose some of the gardens so they get deer traffic. hunters do not get all of them. luckily we do have a tall enough fence around our primary vegetable gardens so that has worked to keep them out.
all sounds good yet 6ft fence may not be high enough, don't be surprised if some will try to get over that if the area surrounding the fence is flat enough or open enough or they can see through the fence and there is the smell of fruit in there. you may wish to go 7-8ft instead.
That's easy enough to do since the posts, which we got for free, are stainless steel and 15 feet long. They are what mechanics use for exhaust systems on cars. We will then use barbed wire.