Attractive To Bees
Haven't been on in a while. However, having grown painted mountain before, that's an impressive display!Grandma Robert’s Purple Pole are doing good, I’ve canned 27 pints. Cassies Purple Pod are just starting to produce, we’ve had a pot of them for several meals. The purple pole from @flowerbug , only a few came up and grass hoppers have stacked! Purple Dove did not get planted. Many things this year did not get planted due to screwy weather. I kept seed back from all the varieties in case of crop failure due to weather. My garden is sparse this year. I only have yellow squash, zucchini, tomatoes that aren’t doing much, and the beans growing in it now. I actually BOUGHT tomatoes yesterday!On a bright note, the Painted Mountain corn did very well although I lost some due to heavy rain when it was drying. I picked it all, shucked it and am letting it dry in the house. Not bean related but at least something was a success! Lol @Zeedman how is yours doing?
We had our granddaughters and their 3 dogs for almost 2 weeks while their parents skipped off to Italy for a much needed vacation. I didn’t get the Grandma Robert’s picked much and was rewarded with a bunch of seedy pods. I picked some for seed, it’s drying and I picked some as shelling fresh beans. Going to can them with green beans, yellow squash, zucchini and those side of the road vegetable stand tomatoes today as soup. LOL
Painted Mountain corn
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Grandma Robert’s Purple Pole Beans
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I shall omit the pictures of ragweed and lambs quarters plus various other bodacious weeds that are having quite the frolic in my beleaguered garden.![]()