Garden Master
in disguise. blending in very well with the eaves of the house the other day. probably a male (very skinny).

It sounds like you have plenty of aphid predators, which is a good thing.The aphids this year are tiny things. I don't think that I have ever noticed them as such small creatures. We had black aphids one year and only that year! They were on everything. Yuck.
Yeah, just hanging out ... because when he finally shows up at home, his wife is gonna bite his head off.
We have so, so many ladybugs this year! Bug populations are tremendously variable, year to year. Two grasshoppers. I saw 2 more lacewings yesterday morning, early. That's 3.They can really torment us going and coming thru the backdoor with the light so close. But, I've learned to appreciate them. No slapping!
I couldn't be an entomologist. There are too many species!
The aphids this year are tiny things. I don't think that I have ever noticed them as such small creatures. We had black aphids one year and only that year! They were on everything. Yuck.
It sounds like you have plenty of aphid predators, which is a good thing.
This year I allowed some milkweed to grow in the yard - away from the gardens! - to feed monarch butterflies. I thought that maybe there would be a caterpillar to show the Grandson too... but that has become unlikely. I noticed swarms of black Mud Dauber wasps swarming around the milkweed, which is unusual behavior for the normally solitary wasps. It turns out that there were a lot of aphids on the underside of the leaves, and the wasps were feeding on them. There were so many that it looked like an angry hornet nest. Never seen such a thing, it was fascinating to watch. In my gardens, normally Yellow Jacket wasps are the ones feeding on aphids.