Garden Master
Here I am, retired comfortably to the lazyboy after breakfast and some minor chores. No, I'm not out scraping ice off the windshield on this frigid morning and heading off to work. Breakfast? Sure, I'll have a second one soon — so nice to have the "coffee break" here at home but I do miss the gatherings of coworkers sitting for a few minutes at a big table.
Many people skip right past a breakfast before leaving the house. The estimates are that it's nearly 1/4 of American adults and the number is even worse for high school kids. Oh my
! Time and hunger are the determinants but motivation increases with the years as, apparently, with the realization that energy reserves become depleted by late morning.
At the same time, nutrition experts say that as many as 90% of Americans don't eat enough fruit and vegetables. I made a conscious effort to increase my morning fruit consumption a few years ago. Three servings before the starches didn't work out as well as I hoped. I didn't have the appetite to eat that much fruit ... not with my boxes of (highly processed) breakfast cereal beckoning me from the end of the counter. Nevertheless, my fruit servings did increase. One way that has continued is by putting stuff in that cereal. I could almost benefit from a larger bowl but 1/2 fruit makes sense. This morning, it was a microwaved d'Anjou pear, chopped. I use bananas, of course, but raisins and dried cranberries often find their way into the bowl. A second breakfast is coming up in moments! What can I have??? Well, I won't put it in with cereal ~ need to switch to whole wheat toast ~ apple sauce. Oh, wait a minute! Apple sauce is good on toast
Steve, & coffee
Many people skip right past a breakfast before leaving the house. The estimates are that it's nearly 1/4 of American adults and the number is even worse for high school kids. Oh my

At the same time, nutrition experts say that as many as 90% of Americans don't eat enough fruit and vegetables. I made a conscious effort to increase my morning fruit consumption a few years ago. Three servings before the starches didn't work out as well as I hoped. I didn't have the appetite to eat that much fruit ... not with my boxes of (highly processed) breakfast cereal beckoning me from the end of the counter. Nevertheless, my fruit servings did increase. One way that has continued is by putting stuff in that cereal. I could almost benefit from a larger bowl but 1/2 fruit makes sense. This morning, it was a microwaved d'Anjou pear, chopped. I use bananas, of course, but raisins and dried cranberries often find their way into the bowl. A second breakfast is coming up in moments! What can I have??? Well, I won't put it in with cereal ~ need to switch to whole wheat toast ~ apple sauce. Oh, wait a minute! Apple sauce is good on toast

Steve, & coffee