Recent content by Zeedman

  1. Zeedman

    A Seed Saver's Garden

    Yes, ag fleece can be effective at preventing squash vine borer (among other pests). But for squash & other members of the gourd family, timing is everything. You need to cover the plants during the egg laying period, then uncover the plants to allow pollination. SVB is very bad here, and I've...
  2. Zeedman

    A Seed Saver's Garden

    Non-GMO??? Really??? How comforting to know that it is plain harmless kang kong, not Kong-zilla. :lol::lol::lol:
  3. Zeedman

    A Seed Saver's Garden

    Gee, that sounds like a good plant to replace all of the dead trees in my tree line... for even better privacy. :D
  4. Zeedman

    A Seed Saver's Garden

    I am too. You can also get water spinach seed from Agrohaitai... I think? They have a link, but won't even open it for me because of my location.
  5. Zeedman

    A Gardening Vacation?

    The two garden locations I would love to visit are Turkey, and India. I've seen photos of street markets in Turkey, and would be obsessively sampling all of the olives, dates, & apricots that we never see here... so that visit would have to be timed for the harvest season. Then browsing through...
  6. Zeedman

    2025 Little Easy Bean Network - Growers Of The Future Will Be Glad We Saved

    @Artorius , that is a remarkable success story.
  7. Zeedman

    A Seed Saver's Garden

    @heirloomgal , you are fortunate to be able to buy seed. I was blessed to have a friend find & purchase 1 kilo of seed for me in a Milwaukee market years ago, and have been growing from that seed ever since. Water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica Forssk) has been banned here as a noxious weed, so seed...
  8. Zeedman

    Your Weather, 2025

    That's my hope as well. Milder temps above freezing forecast next week. I'm looking forward to giving the car a bath... it looks like a mobile salt lick.
  9. Zeedman

    Your Weather, 2025

    Yup. Another 'polar vortex' (what we used to just call 'winter'). A really strong one; supposed to get down to -14F or so tonight. Now I know why they put the 'br' in February. 🥶 We've had over a foot of snow this week too - and I had to dig out my trailer for a church project. As I was doing...
  10. Zeedman

    Quick & Easy Breakfast

    I've noticed that phenomenon too. After eating something for a long period of time - even something I love - I suddenly can't stand it, and won't eat it again for months. Fortunately that rule doesn't seem to apply to coffee. :caf
  11. Zeedman

    Quick & Easy Breakfast

    This thread has made me realize that my breakfast diet has changed. without my noticing. I previously ate very little processed dry cereal (although when I did, I usually mixed 2-3 kinds). But I preferred a home-made hot cereal: - a mix of whole grains (rolled oats, blue or fresh-ground corn...
  12. Zeedman

    Quick & Easy Breakfast

    Oh yes it is. I used to make apple butter, but apple sauce is just as good & more versatile. I often question the relative merits of eating an early breakfast, versus not breaking the fast till noon. Now that I am retired & less active, an early breakfast makes me drowsy in mid-morning. So I...
  13. Zeedman

    Tomatoes for 2025

    Some dehydrated tomatoes can be ground into tomato powder, which is really good for turning a bland soup into something delicious (as are dried sweet peppers). This is also a good way to use tomatoes that have a tough skin when dry. When I dehydrate large numbers of "Elfin", I divide them into...
  14. Zeedman

    Concerned About Growing Old?

    my first experience with candy was honey horehound, and wintergreen after-dinner mints. Then I discovered a candy store a few blocks away, began collecting discarded soda bottles for refund (There were a lot of bottles on the roadsides back then) and the wheels fell off. 🍬🍭:drool
  15. Zeedman

    Happy Birthday catjac1975

    Happy Birthday @catjac1975 ! 🎂🥳