strongly think it has to do with blood pressure have had to play with dosage over about 4 years now
and tachycardia.... left outside kitties care to BF last night wasn't up to it he did most for cleaning coops
yesterday also
3 kitties that grew up with the chickens here found a way in the greenhouse 5 of the 7 peeps dead.. I have been having these dizzy spells room spins called DR office through the hospital interchange now they said come here to hospital we did over and hour I sat waiting said look I have animals...
never heard of poison ivy growing in a vine does it resemble the plant that grows on the ground
We thankfully do not have that here actually do in Wisconsin and Minnesota I had a bad case as a child
Wow that sounds kinda odd maybe too wet? I did mine in burlap bags tied the top but cut wholes for the buds to come out and show what level they are all at roughly 10 per bag scattered
DigitS' post a photo of the johnny jump ups please my other half BF calls them another name..
my potatoes are going gangbusters but no blooms there I have yukons, and a purple and a red variety
all in burlap bags half potting soil half chicken dirt.. planted beans in two pots now both are up all...