That broccoli looks wonderful, Bay. Love roasted broccoli!
Today we harvested asparagus. This is the first year we have harvested any so it's very exciting!
Good grief! If we turned our air conditioner on when it hit 84 our bills would be in the thousands of dollars! Lol. We don't turn ours on until it hits at least 95.
I've been tempted to do the same thing, bgreen, but our gardening budget is super tight this year so gotta wait. Hope your gamble pays off and you cash in on an early harvest!
Yes, Journey, our dogs will eat them, but it put them in a cup and fed them to the chickens. They were very appreciative!
We used to have a little terrier that would sniff out grubs, dig them up, and eat them like they were steak or something. Silly little mutt!
:yaIt was warm and beautiful, so I got quite a bit done today! Turned some cow poop and compost into one of the beds, spent over an hour digging grubs out of another bed with tons of help from the dogs, pulled the weeds out of 2 other beds, and then had to go apply ice and heat to my back...
Nice chickens everybody! I don't have pics right now but my flock consists of EasterEggers, Australorps, Welsummers, Orpingtons, New Hampshire Reds, um. . .i think that's it at the moment. We will see if I can resist getting chicks this spring! :p
Me too, Thistle. You are a much better landlord than I would ever be, Red.
Drought? What drought? Oh, you mean that condition where our wells are going dry, our pastures are dead, our feed bills are astronomical, and our huge beautiful oak trees are stressing and dying? That drought...
I'm not very good with starting any seeds that can't be easily direct sown, so I always buy tomato plants because we have to put them out so late due to frost that we wouldn't get tomatoes until August otherwise.