These don't bloom at all. I don't know exactly what they are... but I know when it gets hot in the summer I try to use the side door more than the front door because of the smell! :sick
Oh gosh.. we don't really have a themed house? LOL We live in a double wide on a permanent foundation... just like everyone else on the street but one person.. who happens to have a 2 story modular... LOL Our house is a light yellow with green shutters (and I'll be painting the door green as...
Okay, so, I have a small-ish space that I want to put roses in in the garden. I'm not sure of the exact dimensions, but I'm going to guess around 5x8?? maybe a bit smaller.
I would like BEAUTIFUL roses! That smell good... and are pretty... and will attract bees and beneficial bugs... and I...
Ooooh I used to be really bad with "like." I then dated a guy whose father was a professor at one of the local universities (Xavier) and he was ALWAYS correcting me. I finally started using "he/she said" instead of "so he/she was like" and it's stuck ever since. I ALWAYS correct my daughter when...
Here are pictures of the space now :D
ETA: The first image is on where the rest of the bulb USED to be.... and the 2nd picture is of the entire bed. My pretty little daffodils mostly in bloom in front. :)
Oh! I didn't take out the entire plant... I just kind of took my spade shovel and "cut" it right on the other side of where I wanted the border and pulled the rest of the tubers out and transplanted them. :-) I'll have to take a picture of the area where they were and post it. :)
I love them too! I just hope the ones that I transplanted put up blooms! Either way, they're planted now and will EVENTUALLY bloom.. LOL They had to be moved so I could put the border in. Hubby asked why I wanted to move them, and I said that our neighbor had given them to me before she moved...
I really do want to get one of those kits!!! LOL I don't know that we would have an appropriate place to even GROW them here though. :-( Unless I somehow can manage to put them right beside the house... :( The place that I found the morel kit for sale doesn't give you any written instruction...
I do love it! :D
We bought mulch from Lowes this year... and it's "color guaranteed" for 12 months.. but the stuff we laid last week is already faded :\
Woo! I didn't realize that picture was so wonky!! LOL It's right along the side of the house, so, it will get some shade during the morning and early afternoon, but full sun the rest of the day. I can't wait to see if they bloom this year!
OKAY! So.. I pulled them out.. separated them and planted them in a new bed. Some of them I couldn't plant "above ground" and then I did cover them with mulch. (Hope that doesn't keep them from blooming!! :eek:)
So, in my flower bed that's beside my steps, I planted some daffodils and irises (I THINK they're irises! I'm not remembering 100%) Well, I'm going to put some boarder around the flowers, but some of the irises have grown past the point where I want them to. Do you think I'd be okay to split...