Early spring I worked hard to tilled the dirt over, I pulled out so many and fed the chickens ! I bought some granuals that will kill them right in the garden. the other day, I went to loosen up the soil and found more. Grrrr!
1: yes still good to eat. same answer like Steve says.
2: I planted mine year round. I still have onions in the coldest weather, but start seeds or bulbs during fall
3: Yes they will stain your shirts, wear bibs :lau
I hope I didnt sound like my first squash ever !! :lau I meant to say the my first crop for this summer ! I usually get tomatoes first, but the squash beat to it ! :weight
Love them! They love it when theres water in my garden and they pay back eating bugs ! We do have desert toads, I dont know how they got here in the first place ! When I first live here there was NOTHING !! I also have some leopard frogs, I was told they are endangered.
we have well and those hard water build up , dirt, hot weather and messed up my pipes. Im glad it didnt go very far ! it water my grass and garden good,
:thumbsup Got it ! I got one punkin on one vine so far. As for tomatoes I do prune my tomatoes once it get overly grown. In late summer it gets very stressed, I cut it back and I get tons of fruit for fall !
Thank you ! Im just learning as I go along ! I grew white pumkins last year it wasnt very big about 12 to 15 inches round. Im just doing this for fun !
Monty J I have a question... I have a pumpkin growing right now , do I keep cutting the flowers off the same vine ? How much do I need to cut them off? below the flowers? Thanks!
I want to plant runner beans for shade but I know nothing about them ! Do they keep well during the summer? How many seeds did you plant to cover that arch? Thank you !
Monty J Is that one punkin on one vine? did you cut off all flowers to make it produce one Big pumpkin? I am learning to grow mine. I dont think they grow well in Hot desert sun ! Some day I hope to have a huge one !