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  1. swampducks


    The real use for "chicken wire" - bunny proofing. That's what is surrounding my newest veggie garden. Got that plastic snow fence around the older one, that does pretty well keeping the critters out, too. Welcome back to the group. :):) Very breezy here today but so much nicer than the hot...
  2. swampducks


    I've tried growing bell peppers in the past. One year I got a smallish pepper. But otherwise they just won't grow for me. Instead I grow the sweet pickle, which are tiny and long but taste like bell peppers and gypsy, but I couldn't find any seeds for that one this year! It's a pale, pale green...
  3. swampducks


    :welcome fair weather chicken! Don't know if I said that or not, so better late than never? Do stop in again. :happy_flower
  4. swampducks

    I have a strange question...

    No problem at all. When we lived in Virginia we seeded ours with clover for the deer. They loved it and it always was the greenest spot of the yard.
  5. swampducks


    Have you tried adding a well beaten egg or more to your ice cream? I know some recipes use them and some don't. Haven't made ice cream in years. I've got a Donvier 1 quart mixer somewhere. If I can find it maybe I'll stick the chiller part in the freezer this summer. We got about 1/2 an inch of...
  6. swampducks


    All my cukes and zukes and pumpkins are planted. I had started them inside just over a week ago. They got kind of leggy, I may plant some seeds directly in those hills where only 1 seed sprouted. And I picked my first snow peas today! :woot Just a handful. I set up a sprinkler, too because...
  7. swampducks


    I transplanted 9 tomatoes into the new garden today. Threw in a bit of my own compost and watered them well. DH set up a fence inside to trellis my cucumbers on. I'd go plant some more stuff but I spent an hour on the phone with Net10 to get them to reactivate my phone for the 3 rd time in as...
  8. swampducks


    Pork chops? Cooked or raw? I'm afraid I'd have eaten that pork chop. I don't give my dogs a whole pork chop never mind the chickens! lol
  9. swampducks


    My chicks came at 5 pm! My local PO closes at 3. So when a PO van drove down my driveway I was a bit dumbstruck. She drove up from Saginaw with orders for me and 4 others. I guess that's the only reason they didn't wait to send them up in the morning mail truck. Nursing a lethargic chick, don't...
  10. swampducks


    I had some very nice buckeyes and a lovely roo from Meyer till the fox got my roo last year. *sigh*. Got an electric fence now but when I ordered I could only get 3 buckeyes so opted for all pullets. Mine are arriving tomorrow. Must be an advantage to last minute ordering? I am sure my extra...
  11. swampducks


    50.5 is my high so far today and that's happening right now. Raining all day here, too. Introduced my 8 week old chickens to cracked corn today because it doesn't wash away like crumbles. They must have loved it because it's all gone, at least I can't see any in the dirt. Hey just hit 50.7...
  12. swampducks


    Next Wednesday I should be getting 4 straight run BLRW 5 dominique pullets 3 buckeye pullets 12 straight run Dark Cornish and they usually throw in an extra, probably be a dark cornish, all the others I was limited in how many I could get and I ordered back in January. Next time I'll have to...
  13. swampducks

    MEN and thier "help"

    I will have to throw myself in as the exception. I can't get DH to use his tractor to till up the new garden he cleared for me because it's "too wet". He suggested I use an iron rake. It's going to rain tomorrow and Saturday, so it's just going to get wetter. I am not going to use an iron rake...
  14. swampducks

    A whole lot of ducks!

    That's one thing I don't have to worry about DH doing, bringing me fowl. He leaves that to me. Although, he did originally go to the farm with me to get my first 4 muscovy ducklings. Now the mama duck gives me more than I ever could need. And she's already laid 11 new eggs. :th
  15. swampducks

    Only 3

    So sorry, I had something similar happen to a box of guinea keets a few years ago. It's rather horrifying opening a box even knowing you'll probably see dead birds by the lack o cheeping.
  16. swampducks


    Hey there BLRH, hope you don't mind the abbreviation? I wave to you across the water. :frow My BIL hunts ducks and he usually just takes the breast meat out. Muscovies though have great thigh and leg meat, too. But you're probably right, maybe $5 a bird isn't a bad idea, I'm certainly not...
  17. swampducks


    I'm sure you're not too late for your sugar snap peas, as long as we don't continue getting high summer weather. My snow peas are flowering finally and I'm hoping to be eating some in a week or two. They don't take kindly to hot weather. Not sure I'm liking this early spring weather suddenly...
  18. swampducks


    I think we got about half in inch of rain today. was great to have but sure made doing anything outside impossible, Got my dogs walked and birds fed before it started at 9:30 this morning, then sun came out about 5 pm. Really nice out there now, about 67 degrees. ducklings are enjoying the wet...
  19. swampducks

    He's BAAAAck!

    Welcome back!! :frow
  20. swampducks


    Today I transplanted some of my hollyhocks around the outside of my chicken/hutch brooder. Indian Spring and Happy Lights from Park Seeds. Got a few more to plant somewhere. Also planted some razzmatazz and Italian white sunflower seeds. Still need to transplant the clematis vine I got in the...