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  1. dewdropsinwv

    Long absence

    @Carol Dee I'm afraid I havent been able to get into too many projects lately. I've been laid up from surgery for the past 6 weeks. Not able to get into too much trouble right now. Still doing physical therapy and probably will be for the rest of the summer. I cant wait to get back into the...
  2. dewdropsinwv

    After 10 years of Fails

    MontyJ planted two dogwood trees for me last year. Of course the stinking cicada's got to them even though we tried to protect them, but they lived. My white one only put on one flower this year. My pink one bloomed like mad.
  3. dewdropsinwv

    Long absence

    Good evening everyone!!!! I hope this post finds everyone well. I appologize for the long absence, but there has been a TON of new stuff going on with us lately. First I have had to under go surgery on my shoulder to get it fixed and working again. Second, some of you may already know, but...
  4. dewdropsinwv

    Happy New Year

    @baymule it is very different having him home most of the time now for sure. I'm glad he doesnt have to travel to morgantown every day work 8 to 10 hours then drive home. That was very rough on him. As for me, well I'm still out of work for now. Hoping to get some answers about my shoulder next...
  5. dewdropsinwv

    Happy New Year

    :frow @journey11 !!!!! good to see you too!!!! Band is the busiest activity at the school, always competitions and games and performances ect. It's a crazy summer and first 9 weeks of the school year! OUr daughter has her permit but does not drive yet. I'm planning on teaching her this summer...
  6. dewdropsinwv

    Happy New Year

    My lawyer had a stroke last year, then a heart attack, so I figured it was just a matter of time before he either retired or passed away. MontyJ is in the maintenance department at the DC. He seems to like it there. a couple of perks is we get a discount, and I finally have health insurance. :D...
  7. dewdropsinwv

    Merry Christmas Everyone or Happy Holidays

    @Carol Dee we have had a great Christmas this year. I am excited for next year already, my oldest daughter and her kids "should" be here. I havent got to spend a Christmas with them in about 5 years. So I'm already looking forward to next year. :celebrate:celebrate:celebrate:celebrate:celebrate...
  8. dewdropsinwv

    Happy New Year

    I just want to let everyone know we are doing well. It's been a very busy year here in WV. MontyJ started a new job in April, it's been a little bit of an adjustment but it's going good for him. No more out of town jobs he's working 5 days a week again all that fun stuff. He is working at our...
  9. dewdropsinwv

    Merry Christmas Everyone or Happy Holidays

    Merry (belated) Christmas everyone. It's been a pretty busy month around here Making cookies lots of cooking and getting heavy around here. The kids have been in and out all month long. I love every minute of it. The best part is getting to see my grand kids.
  10. dewdropsinwv

    Overwintering Dahlias

    I have never dug up my Dhalia's I just covered them with leaves and left them in the ground. They always come back
  11. dewdropsinwv

    DD Jr year homecoming dance 2016

    Yes she is in white. My cousin is 15 and in blue. they are close. @baymule yes she is growing up too fast. :hit But I'm very proud of they young woman she is becoming
  12. dewdropsinwv

    DD Jr year homecoming dance 2016

    Our DD and her Boyfriend at homecoming. Along with our cousin and her date
  13. dewdropsinwv

    Dews laid up a bit

    Yes it does and most of the Dr's I seen after the accident proved that point whether they intended to or not. The only person that showed me any compassion was my family Dr.
  14. dewdropsinwv

    Dews laid up a bit

    I have been told it's just bursitis too. Artritis ect. I want A real honest to goodness answer. I got those answers because at the time I did not have health insurance. I wonder if I will get a real answer now that I have health insurance??? One problem I have faced the last 15 months is I have...
  15. dewdropsinwv

    Dews laid up a bit

    That is evactly the same look I'm getting @catjac1975 and it's very irritating. My family dr is on vacation until later this week so I have to suffer with the pain until he gets back and helps me get a referral done. I canceled the surgery today. I told the surgical coordinator if the surgeon...
  16. dewdropsinwv

    Dews laid up a bit

    The problem I'm having is deep in my left shoulder. It almost feels like the bones are rubbing together. The physical therapist was having me to some exercise on a machine like a bike, man that made me cry. I told him I couldnt do that and some of the other things I was doing made it hurt worse...
  17. dewdropsinwv

    Dews laid up a bit

    I'm not in any hurry to have my spine cut on. This has been a very difficult choice for me to make, but I feel that for the time being, it's the right choice. I believe those two drs are not looking at my best interest. I seen their PA's before the surgeons and they both wanted to tell me I...
  18. dewdropsinwv

    Dews laid up a bit

    Latest up date on me. Seen two different surgeons and they both claim I need an artificial disk put in my neck. My main complaint from day one has been deep inside my shoulder.... the joint. I have been giving a lot of thought to what to do. For now I am not having the surgery. I will be getting...
  19. dewdropsinwv

    Heat On 1st Time

    So far we have gotten into the upper 40's....near 50 at night. It hasnt gotten much colder yet. I'm hoping we dont have to turn our heat on until later in the month.