Favas will put up with a lot more heat than people give them credit for if you keep their roots cool. A solid layer of hay does wonders. Nice, thick leafs just pulled off square bales and thrown on the ground do well.
If they're white tailed deer, you need more than 6', though you could probably get away with that plus some visible wide wires above it, like the poly-wire that horse folks use. White tailed deer jump my 6' fence like it isn't even an inconvenience. Orchard fences here are 8-10'.
I use this sort of netting with hoops in some of my gardens, much like you would with floating row cover. The link is just the first thing that came up in a search and not a product endorsement :)
The corn/soy rotations that are super popular in the American midwest are perfect for the fly's lifecycle, especially where they still feel the need to harrow crop residue in every year. The corn field near some of my garlic got lightly harrowed (discs to a couple of inches) early last year, and...
In my experience, mostly with black beans where it's hard to tell what was fully ripe and what was a dry shelly, less-than-ideal beans present as having a small set of first true leaves, but they grow through it. It looks like insect damage at a distance, but the leaves are there and just small...
Yes! When my partner and I are on different schedules we sleep in separate beds so that we don't drive each other nuts, and if he ends up with me I have to put his bed on mine so that he won't make a nest out of my blankets!
There's also a place in our back yard where we once had a stump...
He's in a fenced in yard! We spent a lot of time beagleproofing it. He does run hard, especially on walks with a long lead, but he loooves a good sunny spot. His salvation all winter was the sun coming through our south facing windows, and he would sleep in those spots all morning, moving every...
He's a rescue from down south, where he'd been living in the woods, so we're not sure. He's beagle sized but has the markings and build of a Walker so probably some sort of cross? Maybe just a runt? We call him a beagle whenever we have to list a breed on paperwork. I should really do a DNA test...
We got this guy in December and he would live on that table, overlooking the garden if we let him. We've even got him chasing robins away from the strawberries :-D
I can tell you from experience that a solar fence charger that's rated for over a mile of fence will .. deter .. a potential garden bandit several feet into the air when it's only on 100 feet of poly wire around my garden ;-)
Sometimes plants that have reversed-color seed coats also have different colored stems. Most cranberry types that I've grown do this from time to time. I'd love to know what causes it.
Speaking of early semi-runners, @Bluejay77's "Red Turtle" did really, really well for me last year and I just planted my last 30ish of them in an isolated garden to make sure I get good seed!
Semi-runners are my jam. Anything that will fill but not topple a 5' trellis and reliably ripen in about a hundred days is likely to make it into my rotation.
Oh I meant the actual 'State of Maine' brand. They're a goto soup and baked bean in New England, and an Eastern Abenaki (maybe...
Yellow Eye as in the ones that come in big grocery store bags from Maine? I have a friend who will make sure to buy those in Maine each year and swears that they taste better than the ones that arrive here by the truckload. :D
I grew a bush bean that looked like a pinto a few years ago, but tasted more strongly, along the lines of a cranberry bean. It was great for chili! I wonder if your original was something like that?
Hopefully the early start to the Ukrainians means they finish early and not just that they're going to be huge!
I think both of my pintos taste like other pintos. Or if they're different I haven't noticed. I pressure can most of mine and use them in other things so I don't always taste them on...
One of my favorites. Seneca Allegheny Pinto is apparently even earlier by a few days, though I'm relying on second hand info here as I grow them in different years and not side by side. From my point of view they're identical but who knows.
I am growing one from SSE this year that I think is...