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  1. E

    Beware-black widows like cardboard

    Oh, Journey, as far as identification of the black widow (if you have them), they are the only little roundbottom spider I've seen that's shiny pure jet black on top (no furriness). But you won't always see the giveaway red hourglass because that's on it's underside. They are beautiful. They are...
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    Beware-black widows like cardboard

    Well, after an hour of googling spiders, originally to see Digit's hobo spiders, I now see why so many people fear spiders. I used to think they were silly, but Holey Moley! I may now join their ranks. I thought the female blk. widow and brown recluse were the only poisonous spiders. Seems...
  3. E

    Beware-black widows like cardboard

    I know black widow spiders are beneficial and seldom bite, but if you have kids around your garden, teach them to identify them. They seem to like to hide under cardboard mulch. Saw one today when I lifted a piece, and it reminded me of the year when I mulched the whole garden (different...
  4. E

    How to kill 4 o'clocks

    Mine have that big sweet potato root, but only spread by seed that I've noticed.
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    Skeeter Time...What to do, what to do!!!!!!!

    Eating garlic or onions seems to help repel skeeters, and humans as well.
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    Growing Herbs For Profit

    Good points - hadn't thought about the lack of cooking going on. When I had my little bootleg wkend. plant nursery, I started with herb plants, but soon found that flowers sold much better-anything with a bloom. When herbs were flowering, some(mostly middle age or older) ladies liked them for...
  7. E

    Cornmeal for garden fungus problems

    Hmm... It mentions use of cornmeal, but starts by saying there was less fungus after growing a crop of corn. Are we to assume there was a lot of unharvested grain plowed back into the ground, or that just growing the plant was a hindrance to fungus? If so, then planting lots of corn in with all...
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    It kind of looks like a strawberry.... ???

    AHA! Another example of my theory that weeds are attracted to and show up next to plants that look like them.
  9. E

    It kind of looks like a strawberry.... ???

    I always heard that too. I've put them in my mouth and they are tasteless.
  10. E

    Growing Herbs For Profit

    They think it's "hippy stuff" and are afraid of getting poisoned. When I used to grow shiitake mushrooms before they were well-known, I used to get the strangest calls to my ads;"Are know?", "Will they get you high, man?" Oh sure, I'm advertising those in the newspaper! Evidently, I...
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    More flies Due to Compost?

    I'll try this in my house. It will look much better than strips of dead flies.
  12. E

    More flies Due to Compost?

    That could look bad, as that's how all my childhood spankings were applied. No, I guess they wouldn't think that's what they were for. It's been a bad fly week here, too... The neighboring broiler houses aren't cleaned out near enough - phew! I'm trying all types of traps and the glass ones with...
  13. E

    Tree frog in my Garden

    My parents used to have a toad that "belonged" to their dog. I wish someone had taken pictures. It was the funniest sight - Rover lying half-curled up, looking at the toad snuggled against his belly, for warmth, I suppose. It was a large toad who came back to sleep by his foster "Dad's side...
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    Tree frog in my Garden

    Not sure about yours, but I think some types of frogs are chameleon-like as are some lizards; they will be close to the color of what they've recently been sitting on for a spell.
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    Tree frog in my Garden

    Tree frogs are oh so cute. Around here I only hear them when there's rain on the way.
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    Knishes and Mushroom Soup

    Good. I'm glad they're easy! Is the shine on the knish from butter or an egg glaze?
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    less fireants...could it be?

    Creepy! Eek! I have a couple hundred or so potted plants! But I'll take them if they do in fireants and termites.
  18. E

    Knishes and Mushroom Soup

    I've never had a knish.They're making me hungry. Care to share the recipes, or are they family secrets?
  19. E

    Will mediocre seeds ALWAYS bear mediocre tasting fruit?

    Sure, I know you save your best seeds to plant. However, my garden got off to a late start and I had these 75+ plants that sprung up from some cantaloupe rinds I threw out, that were in the way. I transplanted them to an out of way site, hating to waste any possibility. Got to thinking, the...