Generally, if the fruit is falling off while it's still small or not ripening to full size it's because the peppers are getting too much water. They don't like to have their little feeties wet. Some people prune their peppers to only allow a few fruit to ripen thus insuring a better sized...
Probably not but it never hurts to try. Last year I got seeds from some organic peppers at my store. I didn't get one plant from either the poblano or habanero peppers but I did get a few from the serrano just not as good as my usual germination rate.
I LIKE the spaghetti squash idea! Yes, it might be too wet but I wonder what would happen if you threw some italian bread crumbs in with the eggs and spaghetti squash and then finished with the remainder of the recipe as it is.......
I live in the high desert and we have toads and no pond though I want a pond in the worst way for my geese. They're like earthworms here. They come out when we've had a few days of rain (like now) and then they disappear again.
I like it so long as it's not the MAIN taste. I want my salsa to taste like tomatoes and peppers with just a hint of the other seasonings. I like that fresh from the garden "I'm a tomato" taste. Greg is actually mildly allergic to cilantro and it makes him sick.
Look in your phone book for county government offices. Should be there. It'll be your county extension office, like mine is the Elbert county extension office.
Ooooh, I'm sorry. The Garden watchdog site lists Gurney's and their affiliates very poorly. I dealt with them a couple of years when we first moved here as I remembered them from when I was a kid. The plants I got were either sick or dying or dead. Generally speaking the seeds didn't have...
Lavender is probably the slowest germinating seed I've ever grown so don't give up if you don't get anything for a couple of weeks or so. They also seem to have a fair at best germination rate so put several seeds in each pot.
This is my "you're not getting any straight answers outta me today" answer. It depends. It depends on what kind of watermelon you are growing, how big you want them to get and what kind of growing conditions you have that year. The smaller melons I just let go and set as much fruit as they...
When I plant my tomatoes I put a spoon full of epsom salts and a spoon full of bone meal into every planting hole. The magnesium and it sulfur from the epsom salts make the plant stronger and fertilize while the calcium in the bone meal prevents blossom end rot.
Yep. They're supposed to be delicious and the flesh is a little redder but it's a cantaloupe. I don't even like cantaloupe but I planted the Hokaido and Charantais for my husband.
I've got some Hokaido melons (the ones that sold for 6000 dollars in Japan last year) that I'm growing (hoping for that 6000 dollar pay day LOL) and I know those melons are grown in little nets to keep them up off the ground. Mine will just have to be happy laying on a bed of straw like all the...
I am not a rhubarb expert (but I play one on TV.....okay, just kidding) but since it was already mature when you transplanted it I would think you could harvest some. I mean, I know you can't harvest from a new immature plant but a mature plant that's just been moved from one place to another...
I would. But I'd do it very carefully and I'd do it now. Let the last few spears go and let them go to seed in whatever garden area you plan to keep it in and see how it does next year. Good luck!
Girl after my own heart. I'm a sucker for a good orange watermelon. I've got Orangeglo and Tendersweet outside. They do very well here but like I said I have to start them inside and transplant them when the weather warms up. I also LOVE my Moon and Stars and baby them like crazy. I do grow...