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  1. YourRabbitGirl

    Can I split a sky pencil holly root?

    more than enough if you'll ask me. I hope I can buy some so I can try it myself. best of luck to me.
  2. YourRabbitGirl


    we started to can some green mangoes, It's in season now so we decided to pickle some of them, this will be great after a couple of months.
  3. YourRabbitGirl

    Paste tomatoes

    Philippine tomatoes are great as well. It's very versatile. you can eat it raw as a side dish, Its good for spaghetti as well. and sautee's
  4. YourRabbitGirl

    Hello from Dayton

    Hi! By the way. What are you planning to plant this coming season? Om just wondering I might have a new one to plant. I hope you can give me a good idea.
  5. YourRabbitGirl

    Garden humor thread..

    Q: Why do potatoes make great detectives? A: Because they keep their eye's peeled! Q: What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter? A: Pumpkin pi
  6. YourRabbitGirl

    Beez pleezz

    If I'm not extremely allergic of bees and won't surely have an antagonizing death when I get bitten. I will definitely raise some here. :D:D:D
  7. YourRabbitGirl

    Solving the Squash Bug dilemma...for good!

    I really thought they are squash bugs. Often, squash bugs and stink bugs are mistaken for each other. They are similar in shape and both bugs have a disagreeable odor when crushed. {learned my lesson the hard way)
  8. YourRabbitGirl

    Black Walnut tree sap

    is It common for farmers and other small-scale growers to sell black walnuts locally? how much for a pound for black walnut meat at farmer's markets?
  9. YourRabbitGirl

    germination time, soil temp, longevity of seeds and ph levels for vegetables

    That is one pretty in-depth chart you have there, I can't imagine something else as deeper and as detailed as this one. I admire your patience.
  10. YourRabbitGirl

    Hello from Dayton

    Hello and welcome to the forums! Generally! Its an awesome day. it actually rained yesterday, just a drizzle though. but it actually helped me get rid of other chores.
  11. YourRabbitGirl

    What Did You Do In The Garden?

    I bought 3 dwarf figurines, I added it in the center of the mini fountain. they said its good luck, I even added 7 mushroom figurines too.
  12. YourRabbitGirl

    I Always Wonder About Selling Japanese Maples

    Is there a possibility to send that here in the Philippines? I would like to plant that here in our gardens.
  13. YourRabbitGirl

    Use Ginger and/or Turmeric? Grow it?

    Ginger is a great alternative for turmeric. they are virtually the same. We can actually make ginger tea as an alternative.
  14. YourRabbitGirl

    When to plant tulips?

    I don't know exactly when. but what I'm sure is I can plant gumamela plant any time every year. good luck with that though.
  15. YourRabbitGirl

    What are you canning now?

    none yet but I'm planning to can turnips. it a good addition in any cooking, I hope I can harvest a hefty amount. I can't wait to do so.
  16. YourRabbitGirl


    That's a great idea, I hope you'll succeed, because if you do. That will be a very nice addition to your garden, good luck.
  17. YourRabbitGirl

    I Always Wonder About Selling Japanese Maples

    Pretty expensive, But if someone will give me a chance to cultivate that here in the Philippines. I will surely do it.
  18. YourRabbitGirl

    A Nice Little Bonus

    Greek Mountain? Shepherd's Tea? Those sounds really refreshing. I bet someone can let me have some, I would really appreciate it.
  19. YourRabbitGirl

    Sweet Pea flowers

    I hope I can plant sweet4444peas here, I don't think we have that here though. I really hope we can cultivate that here. :(:(:(
  20. YourRabbitGirl


    Sauteed tomatoes, onions, ginger, Fried milk fish added, Then fried tofu. Pretty fillng and nutritious.. :D:D:D:D