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  1. davaroo

    A REAL Different view on farming.......

    Either word works. Welcome to your grannys world! :)
  2. davaroo

    A REAL Different view on farming.......

    The ones that survive, that is. Stands to reason that survival of the fittest extends to the human animal as well. No great surprise. What agriculture allows is for weaker members and Liberals within the society to stay alive. This is the root of great thinking, great ideas, and ultimately...
  3. davaroo

    What was your gardening experience, if any, as a child?

    It still predominates, trust me. But we have allowed it's antithesis, entitlement, to gain ground and make news.
  4. davaroo

    A REAL Different view on farming.......

    And God Bless 'em :)
  5. davaroo

    What was your gardening experience, if any, as a child?

    Its often noted that the things we rebelled from as children are the things we recall fondly as adults. I never really liked weeding the garden, or even having much to do with it*. But you did it because like your granny, the attitude was that you dont deserve to eat if you dont do the work. So...
  6. davaroo

    A REAL Different view on farming.......

    According to my research, the invention of beer was THE pivotal event in the settling of humanity. About 12,000 years ago, humans existed as members of small bands of nomadic hunter/gatherers. They lived on game in the mountains in summer & would go to the coast & live on fish & lobster in...
  7. davaroo

    A REAL Different view on farming.......

    And of course we've all heard of the Amerinds running entire herds of bison off cliffs so as to snag the hides, some meat for drying and their favored cut, the tongue. The early pioneers were in awe of the mass bison graves left behind by the Indians.
  8. davaroo

    sprouting tree stumps help!

    try this: and this: And this: one of these: And a good dose of this stuff: Round up is nice but it can leave the roots and suckers that might develop later. Chop em, burn em, and root em out to be rid of them.
  9. davaroo

    A REAL Different view on farming.......

    And no beer. I shudder to think....
  10. davaroo

    What was your gardening experience, if any, as a child?

    I grew up part time on a Wisconsin dairy farm and the rest in suburban California. There was always a garden around, along with chickens and other animals. Being around the food we ate as it grew, walked or flew was taken for granted. But like a back beat that has never gone away, I keep it...
  11. davaroo

    A REAL Different view on farming.......

    This was kind of a no-brainer really: When humanity settled and began agriculture, it was bound to affect, if not doom, the environs in which it settled. That IS the entire premise behind human generated climate change, isn't it? While the hunter-gatherer lifestyle sounds good, even appealing...
  12. davaroo

    You want to test seeds for free?

    Remember they are resisting the rush of people to get something for nothing. The germplasms they offer are not for handing out to the populace at large. They are limited in scope and often are unsuitable for growing as a garden cultivar. That said, legitimate research is encouraged. So be a...
  13. davaroo

    Should I let the chickens in?

    Agreed. But in it's raw, chicken poop form on green growing plants, it can be harsh - too harsh. Composted manure that sits around for a season before use 'taint the same thing. Ditto for manure that goes straight into the ground to 'sweeten.' Leastways, that's what Ive been told.
  14. davaroo

    Should I let the chickens in?

    Depends on how many chickens. Ive been told that the problem with chicken manure is exposure to the air. The oxygen cause the manure to turn ugly, releasing ammonia nitrate. But, if you cover it with mulch or till it under right away, it doesn't cause the burn. SO you may look into that.
  15. davaroo

    Can I plant these in my septic leach field?

    Hatties got a point: septic systems don't last forever. They need repair and replacement. I would also be concerned about tree roots clogging the drain field lines.
  16. davaroo

    Delicious Canaloupes, anybody tried these?

    This is why they are not well known outside of France, supposedly. In France they are very much "local," with many varieties of the type, since they don't transport well. Ive got some Charentais for next season and some Fond Blanc, which are supposed to be more resilient. We shall see how they...
  17. davaroo

    Delicious Canaloupes, anybody tried these?

    Most musk and honeydew type melons require some timing to get just right. You have to withhold water about 2 weeks before they are to start ripening, so they'll "sugar up." I never get it right, though.
  18. davaroo

    My 1st Cuore di Bue Tomato

    "Ox's Heart," unless my Italian has gotten completely rusted. Looks healthy.
  19. davaroo

    Garden Update

    Lettuces, spinach, some asian greens, mustards, bunching onions, radishes, the small carrots, the mini brassicas - all would work.