So i've done it again. :rolleyes:
My compost seems to be ruined. There are maggots in the compost. I did not put any dairy products or meat in there, but there are maggots. :sick
After the compost stew fiasco above, I dumped it out and let it dry and then put it all back into one bucket (why...
I'm intimidated by hydrangea's. I hear different things from each person I talk to about them - so I have no idea. I hope someone can shed some light on the reason they aren't growing.
I think you could turn it into a nice place to watch your chickens. With the swing there it would be perfect to pretty up the coop. Maybe add some kind of vine to grow on the fence and "disguise" the coop?
hooray!! great pictures - My okra just started flowering, so okra here we come!!! yum!! :drool
Andy123 Okra is hard to describe, they taste "green" (kind of like green beans - but not really) - some people are put off by the "slime", but if you batter them up with some corn meal batter and...
I don't have a picture but it's very nice. She has it squared off with landscaping timers - has nice mulch all around it and then her pot with the flowers - it's not just an old toilet sitting there with dirt and plants. She lives in a mobile home too, which only adds to the "charm".
I've had the gardeners tan before - a thin strip between your pants and your shirt - when your bending over all day that little bit gets exposed and frys...
I feel your pain, this weekend we went to the lake, I didn't think about my back never seeing the light of day since last year - well...
My sister has a flower "pot" in her front yard (a nice toilet). her neighbor has tons of these weird old props in his front yard (a giant shark head, and giant tree branch with a giant vulture on it etc) so she is trying to out trash him. She has flowers in the back (where the water fills up)...
I was thinking about doing some flavored salt shakers as gifts also!! How exciting, can't wait to find out how they turn out... I will start my own lime salt this weekend.
Thanks for the tip, I used to put lemon juice on my hair in the summer time at the beach for natural highlights. Same principle I reckon!
Thanks again!! :thumbsup
edited to correct which principle is was (not principal)
If you get the ac filters, be sure to get the ones with NO fiber glass!!! your mouth and tummy would itch and itch and itch!! :lol: , but seriously, it would be bad.
I always clean with vinegar, floors, toilets, windows, I add it to my laundry for extra dirty loads - It cleans and diodorizes (...
I love lime salt in a cold beer :love - I think I will try to make some homemade lime salt and give the twang a break!!!
Do you think just the zest would be sufficient, do you think the salt would get cakey?
I planted two bell pepper plants that I think I probably killed, but I went ahead and planted them anyway.
It's raining right now, so maybe a nice shower will help them revive. :fl none of my seedlings made it so these are my last hope.
I'm going to be a pain, but I don't mind... :D
I love seeing Lily, but can we have a new picture? I like seeing glimpses into everyones lives. Of course I don't have any photos to submit, but, I've seen some great pictures on this site!!