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  1. greengenes


    I grew them in south Florida muck, and North Florida sand, and they did wonderfully... maybe it is something in the treated water. We are very high calcium, and the water has to be treated so as to not clog up all of our spitters and nozzles. I will investigate that avenue. thanks for the ideas...
  2. greengenes


    I am potting them up into the 2p bagged soil that all of my other starts are in. I moved them outside yesterday. I am behind in getting the rabbit fence up. so everything lives in the greenhouse in 4'' and 6'' pots. waiting for size to protect them. We have a professional greenhouse business...
  3. greengenes

    Which Plants Can Survive Weedwhacking?

    My husband went on mindless mode and trimmed the flowering plants before they flowered. He knows better... But, stuff happens. Forgive... but be sure you get some more replacement plants out of the idiot, you still need some flowers this year, even if it comes in the form of a bouquet.
  4. greengenes

    Howdy from New Mexico!

    That sounds exciting and exhausting! I know you will enjoy the challenge.
  5. greengenes


    I never had difficulty with Borage before, and I can not figure what could possibly have changed, but Germination is less than 50% and it's leaves are pale, almost white. It is getting the same fertilizer as everything else- same water conditions... It used to get huge, self seed and flower...
  6. greengenes

    weeding between corn?

  7. greengenes

    weeding between corn?

    The package said 'block' them. I figured okay, I do not have enough room the normal way, so... I'll see. I get serious dermatitis from corn leaves, so I plan to mulch heavy, walk away and send in the kid to harvest. There is a reason I hardly ever ever plant corn.
  8. greengenes

    weeding between corn?

    I can get some clean grass clippings. That is a good idea. Getting larger stuff around the sprouts would be a tedious task.
  9. greengenes

    weeding between corn?

    I do not grow corn usually... but something snapped in my brain and this year I did. I followed the instructions (I know, weird, right?) and the six rows six inches apart are.. frustrating to weed. I am not the flexible, well balanced person I used to be. Nubian more than nubile. When I get it...
  10. greengenes

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Larkspur and lavender from seed. I might be surprised! also, I have decided that I am planting every single crook neck squash seed I have. The only way I will get any is if I have way too much.
  11. greengenes

    miss maximus

    HI! I like pictures! :frow welcome. This is a very friendly and helpful crowd!
  12. greengenes

    What Kind of Chives Do I Want?

    It is a love hate relationship. When the weeds are under control, and the prop house is full..and no one is mad at me because their order turned to mush over night...It is a good way to spend my life. One gets used to poverty... I just wish we made enough to hire some help back. You all go out...
  13. greengenes

    What Kind of Chives Do I Want?

    That's funny. :gig Nursery's are holes in the ground that take your money energy and faith in humanity... But, when it isn't hot, and you get on top of the weeds and someone places an order... It feels okay. :ya
  14. greengenes

    ..and now I have coyotes.

    :\ Not great news. However, because fewer people in my parts vaccinated their dogs when the economy stalled (and the prices keep going up) ... rabies, distemper, and Parvovirus will be taking the vast majority of pets with this influx of coyotes. I keep my dogs close. They are my family. And I...
  15. greengenes

    ..and now I have coyotes.

    Can't I just learn from Carol's experience? I heard a lot of gun shots from my neighbor's with cattle. Maybe my problem has been handled.
  16. greengenes

    ..and now I have coyotes.

    Yipe. Not too sure I like that. how does one protect livestock... besides Guard dogs? I am getting dog poor as it is. The long term plan is dairy goats. maybe I need to re-plan. If everyone is behind locked doors at night, are things safe during the day?
  17. greengenes

    ..and now I have coyotes.

    I spent the morning trying to find how they got in. Can Coyotes jump a 4' fence? They are something new in these parts. I have no reference to use.The Mississippi river kept them from us until all the bridges. They have worked their way all over now.
  18. greengenes

    ..and now I have coyotes.

    have any of you tried the solar night eyes?
  19. greengenes

    ..and now I have coyotes.

    SO... humph. I suppose they are eating voles. I have a horse fence surrounding the garden. There is ground cloth on that fence to keep animals from seeing what is in the little paddock (My chickens and my garden) And the garden has a little fence around it (because of the chickens.) I have...